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01-01-09, 20:20
Hi, my names Cazz, I'm 23 from the UK and new to the forum! It seems everyone on here writes a little about their problems so I guess I will too - although I promise to make it short! :D

All started around the age of 16 after my dad died (he had cancer that wasn't recognised by docs for a year and by then it was too late) My fear and anxiety focus around death and the fact I may have something wrong with me and no-one will know until it is too late (suprise hey!) After a good year and a half of problems (ranging from suspected brain-tumours, heart attacks, stomache cancer etc) and the dizzynes/breathing/balance problems which came along too for the ride I was put on Citalopram with hekped with councelling and I was fixed............. untill two months ago. Ive now hit a wall, currentlywhat feels like spasms in my throat and im convinced its either throat cancer or those big veins/arteries are doing something off and my throat is going to close up.

Anyway better info - Im at Uni in THE SOUTH WEST training to be a teacher - In my final year and about to start my final teaching placement (Scary!) I
do modern jive dancing at competition level and LOVE ice cream and girly chick flicks.

I really hope joining this forum will help me ..... I'm so lost

Best wishes to you all (OOOOps this wasnt so short!) :blush:

Cazz x

01-01-09, 21:09
Hi and welcome :)


01-01-09, 21:56
Hello, thankyou for the welcome!

01-01-09, 22:19
hiya caz am danny im also new here and am 23 too :yesyes:

frame of mind is the key to success, for 1 it aint going to hurt you ! you need to remember that, 2 its more of a pain than anything else. keep your mind active darl and do not worry about anything any problems you feel you may have deal with them do not dwell on things the longer you do the harder it is to deal with the situations that occur. key facts frame of mind darl do not let it beat you try it and i prommise it will disapear as after a very short time you will be able to laugh it off or just by having a simple convosation it will be gone if you would like to talk feel free to pm me and i will gladly send you my msn addy or email addy mate all the best danny

01-01-09, 22:27
Hi Caz
i to am new to the site, joined just now but have bin reading posts for a while, checking out how others feel and seeing if i have similar side effects, looks like a good place to get some proper feedback, and good to know theres people who know wot u go through, sometimes difficult to explain to people that dont suffer x

01-01-09, 22:32
Hey hun, welcome to the site:hugs:I am so sorry about your loss. You sound a lot like me, I have that fear too. Plus I am hoping to take a PGCE to become a primary teacher (and I love girlie films and ice cream!) We should chat sometime:D

Anyway enough rambling, welcome to NMP:)xx

01-01-09, 22:32
Hey danny and sky - thankyou to you both for replying! Deffo agree about the frame of mind! Heres to a more peaceful 2009! x

02-01-09, 00:02
Hi cazz

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:


02-01-09, 19:23
tutt tutt,

thats a very dangerous combination.... Ice-cream and chick-flicks :D

03-01-09, 17:33
Hi Cazz,

Welcome to NMP. I think your fears are understandable especially because of what you went through at such a young age but the odds of that happening again are probably rare. I don't know why you are having what we sometimes call a "blip" moment when anxiety or panic returns but you will get support here. Perhaps the stress on starting your final teaching placement is the cause. By the way congrats on becoming a teacher. A most needed profession and never recognized or congratulated enough! We are so glad you are here.

Take care,
