View Full Version : hello

01-07-05, 16:04
Hi everyone,
thought I had better introduce myself. I'm a bit shy so bear with me lol. sorry if I go on a bit about my background but I need to get it out and explain to people who may understand some of what I'm going through
My name is Lucy and I spend all day looking after my 3 year old, I also have a 6 year old at school. I have suffered from depression on and off all my adult life and each time after my children were born I ended up on anti depressants which helped me get back to a relatively normal level. Last time I also had CBT which helped me cope with my depression and maintain it at a bearable level.
I split up from my husband about 7 months ago and the first few months were hectic finding somewhere to live and getting everything sorted. i was looking forward to my new life and have since found a new partner who is supportive. However since everything has settled I have got more and more anxious to the point where I have difficulty coping.
I had a bit of anxiety when my youngest was weaning and I became worried she would choke to death. I had a few panic attacks at the time but these dissappeared. A few months ago I came down with a virus similar to glandular fever and I became obssessed that I had throat cancer. I worry constantly that I have some major illness whenever
I get the slightest pain. I am convinced my teeth are falling out depsite my dentist telling me they are fine.
I worry mostly about the kids, every cough my heart jumps and the adreneline flows. Every cry sometimes can set me off. Its got to the point where I dont feel that I can cope when I'm on my own in case something terible happens. I am on edge and anxiuos most of the day as if im waiting to spring into action.
It all came to a head when I was on my own one weekend and I was convinced I was dying because I felt sick. I panicked about what the kids would do if I dies and no one was there, what would they do? would they be stuck for days before anyone noticed I was dead?
Since then it feels as though something went in my head and I have been anxious and worrying constantly. My doctor has put me back onto antidepressants. First I went on cipramil but it gave me horrible side effects. I have now been on my old AD Lustral (sertaline) for three days now and I'm hoping it will help.
I feel such a mess and although people are supportive it is hard because they dont fully understand. At times I feel like I am completely mad :( I feel lost and alone and dont know how to deal with the anxiety.
sorry for going on,hope to get to know you all

Lucy x

01-07-05, 16:11
Welcome to the site Lucy, you will get lots of help and support here.

Barb xx

01-07-05, 16:37
yeah welcome and hope you find site usefull

feel free to pm me anytime

take care

leanne (leo05) [8D]

01-07-05, 17:22
Welcome aboard!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

01-07-05, 18:17
welcome lucy



02-07-05, 10:09
Hi Lucy




02-07-05, 10:50
Hi Lucy

Welcome to the forum, I am sure you 'll find great support here..:)


**Don't believe everything you think .**

02-07-05, 11:06
welcome lucy,this site has helped me,hopefully it will help you :)

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

02-07-05, 11:44
Hi Lucy,

A BIG warm welcome to the site hun.

Hope we can help you.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

02-07-05, 13:25
Hi Lucy

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

02-07-05, 13:48
Hi Lucy,
glad you have found this site, you will find lots of useful information here, you are definately not going mad, and now, hopefully you won't feel lost or alone! You have been through a lot recently splitting with your husband, moving home etc... and having two young children is stressful enough without suffering with anxiety.I'm no expert on meds. but give them a chance to work and i'm certain things will be a little easier, there is a lot of information here with regards to health anxiety, which, i believe, is very common, read some of that and keep in touch. speak soon i hope.

02-07-05, 14:28
hi lucy im new today so read your introduction with intrest.i feel same as you.im sure you will find this site helpful as i have already and hopefully we all have better days ahead xxxkev

k finnigan

02-07-05, 20:00

What you are experiencing is not unusual . Excess stresses affect people in diferent ways and Health anxiety is one of them and is often kicked off by a fright with your or someone elses health or reading/seeing something.

You need to find a way to become more rational about these thoughts and more importantly what they mean to you ..which is what elicits the response. So although you're worried about your health you're also worrying about a range opf other things such as what would happen to your children etcetcThis compound the issue and you constantly think if the extreme worst case scenarios which in reality are very unlikely to happen as you are describing so vividly to yourself.

You are not alone and not going mad.. Try writing out your worry and then rationalizing it , think of all the possible outcomes from the issue being completely fabricated in your mind and therefore doesn't deserve any further energy spent on it to when you did indeed have a problem with your throat but the realitty was much more straight forward than you started to imagine.

Keep rational and keep to facts


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

03-07-05, 12:48
Welcome Lucy

You'll find that you are among people who understand!!


<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">A problem shared is a problem halved</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

03-07-05, 12:59
Hi Lucy,
welcome to the site! sounds like you have been through a lot - i definitely don't think you're going mad.
you will find lots of help and support here,
henri x

03-07-05, 14:23

A big warm welcome to the site and I hope we can be of some help to you.

Health anxiety is horrid to have cos we imagine all sorts of things that could be wrong with them but most can be explained away quite easily.

Let us know if you have any questions and there will always be someone here to answer it.

Hope you find the website and forum of some help.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

03-07-05, 22:35
Hi Lucy

Welcome to the forum.

I think you have coped really well with what you have being through. It is hard enough having two young children but you have also being through the split with your husband, whether it is what you wanted or not, i know from personal experience how hard it was with just one child to cope with.

You are not alone in how you feel, and i know i have felt i cant cope with my daughter alone many times and even resorted to giving her to her dad for a few weeks when it got too much, but in time i built my confidence up. It isnt easy and i still have those horrible thoughts of what if and they still hurt me and throw me of course for a few days. Any help you need i will offer you my support. You have being a strong person getting this far and although you wont feel this at the moment, you have already jumped the biggest hurdles and this could be a delayed reaction to all that has happened in your life. A lot of us cope through a crisis but once the crisis has died down we tend to fall to bits, i know i did.

Here if you want to talk.

Take care.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

04-07-05, 10:16
I'd just like to say thankyou for all the replies! I'm so glad that I'm not alone in feeling like this.
thanks for your support

Lucy x