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View Full Version : Throat problem

01-01-09, 21:27
I am new to the forum and am in need of some desperate help tonight :weep:

I have been suffering with what I would assume a chest infection for the past week - started as a cold and a bit of soreness at the back of my throat and then started on my chest where it felt really tight and hard to get air etc etc.

Since last night however, I have had the feeling that my whole front of my neck is going into spasm. It feels really strined and odd and I'm panicking sooooo much. I can breathe fine although a bit wheezy (assuming this is from the chest infection) and I am able to swallow although I am scared that from the spasm feeling I wont be able to or my throat will close up and I wont be able to breathe?

Is this just another symptom of my ongoing anxiety to add to the list or do I need to go to AnE? It happened last night too and I didnt die then so im guessing it should be ok - just really scary - feels like my throat is spazzing right out :wacko: cazz (23yrs, alone in uni digs) x

Boos Mum
01-01-09, 21:49
i had neck spams after coughing for weeks, :hugs:

01-01-09, 22:07

Your anxiety certainly won't help because it will make you overly worry. Why don't you give NHS Direct or NHS 24 a call they will put your mind at ease.

01-01-09, 22:15
Yeah - thats a great idea - thankyou

01-01-09, 22:35
Yes definitely call NHS direct as they always put my mind at ease. Don't whatever you do, google ANYTHING. It makes the anxiety so much worse and you immediately jump to the page that says "cancer". My boyfriend has had similar problems with his throat, I am not sure if it gets worse when he worries but we're not sure what is wrong.

Either way, things will be ok hun:hugs::hugs:xx

01-01-09, 22:42
could it be acid reflux ?

01-01-09, 23:19
Have you had the nasty virus that is going round north of england at moment that is a couple of days of flu like symptoms with terrible throat - cough and runny nose. I got it two weeks ago and it was terrible. I ended up at my Dr after 10 days as I was sure I had a chset infection and the soreness/irritation/spasmyitchy feeling in top of my chest was unbearable.
My chest was perfectly clear no infection and the Dr said this awful feeling at bottom of throat and in chest was viral tracheitis - my throat and windpipe was very inflamed. She said it would improve but could take up to 4 weeks.

Thankfully today I am much better