View Full Version : acid reflux

01-01-09, 21:27
hi guys happy new year
can anyone thats had acid reflux tell me all their symptoms
ive had it 2 weeks now and have been on meds a week its a bit better but not great
of course i think its summat worse than just acid reflux
i just want to see if others have the same symptoms and feelings as me

02-01-09, 02:12
Hey there,Well theres alot of symtoms of acid reflux but for me i get burning in throat ,chest , also the acid creeps untill my throat too,its not very nice at all and also i get pain in between shoudler blades and tightness in the chest ,this can b worse after eating or drinking somthink fizzy.foods and medicine can aggravate it to plus i think the anxiety can amake it worse! i also get problems with my throat which is down to acid reflux as my ENT told me , i get trouble swallowing foods and it ffels like the food is scratching as it goes down my food pipe and wen i does go down it feels as if its still in my throat!!!not a very nice feeling and it totally controls me because i avoid eating alot of things these days , iam no nexuim esomperozole 40 mg which i atke once a day and it did get rid of this bk in october but i stopped the tabs stupid mistake and now its back so stay with the meds cos it can make it wrse if u stop them . ur not alone and i understand how bad it is .... my wishes and love for 2009 love chanty xx these symptoms can b different with everyone as were all different and eat all different things but man its nasty

02-01-09, 12:50
hi, i have acid reflux and its awful. i get symptoms come and go, but i think its worse when i sleep.
i get sore very dry throat,every day to the moment, so i have to go back on meds asap....

plus acid comes up and stings my throat sometimes too.....

good luck with it, sorry you have it, it sometimes goes away from what ive heard, im one of the unlucky ones where it comes back again...

02-01-09, 13:35
Hi i was just diagnosed with acid reflux on monday but ive had it for about 2 yrs now. The symptoms i get is slight heartburn, awful mucus depending on what i eat, dry sore throat in the mornings, occasional pains around my shoulder blades and it can ive been told cause chest pains too. Which might account for pains ive had lately.
Doctor has given me Lansoprazole 30mg.
Happy new year xx