View Full Version : How long before I feel well again - should i be at work?

01-01-09, 22:03
I've been suffering anxiety for 8 weeks now. It came on suddenly due to trying to juggle too many balls, a child in hospital, making up missed work hours, and keep up with my usual hectic life. I made a mistake at work, a silly one but it upset me ridiculously and I suddenly stopped coping with everything.

I've had lots of panic attacks, but they are subsiding now, but I constantly feel shaky and my legs are like jelly. I freeze and can't breathe going into places, I worry about walking the children to school. I have an upset tum every morning. I worry excessively about silly things. I just feel horrible and unsettled. I'm usually a really happy content person.

I've refused any meds, but am taking 'Kalms ' now, which do seem to stop it a bit. i've finally agreed to some counselling, as it just doesn't seem to be going away. I should start this next week. I have no idea what difference it will make.

i've been off work for 8 weeks (part time). I did try and go back a month ago, popped in to see how I was, but panicked, and it made me even more shaky.. But i don't know whether I should just go back and 'get on with it' and see if it distracts me from thinking about myself, and 'get over it' or whether going back will make me cope even less, and set me back again. and so should I get myself well again - but how long will that take?

Does anyone have any thoughts?


01-01-09, 22:38
Hi Crystaltips

I think if you've been into work and had that reaction your body is not ready yet. I've been of work since mid October and am going back on Monday. I'm actually looking forward to it! Its taken me a while. But I'm ready now! You will know when you are ready.

Don't shun medication, it's really got me back on my feet. I've found it SO helpful. Don't worry, it's not a fake 'happiness' its just helps you get to a place where you can help yourself more and do more things. Medication just speeds up the process a bit. I've had CBT too and that helped me a lot and will hopefully help me deal with things in the future.

Only you will know when you're ready to go back to work (I was off for 4 months a few years back). Your body and mind is exhausted. Give it the time and support (meds and therapy) it needs to recover.

Take care and don't rush things (I was desperate to get back to work and I really wasn't ready!)

Look after yourself for once!



01-01-09, 22:40
Hey Crystal, do you have an understanding boss? If they are approachable how about asking if you can go in for just a short while to "ease yourself in" rather than "plunge in" ?

01-01-09, 22:49
My team leader has been good , my boss less so. The TL told me no way should I be thinking about coming in - I couldn't breathe! But i felt that I 'should try' so that I would know how I was. I don't feel ready/able to go in really. It's troubling me to walk down a huge open plan office (but the girls i work with are lovely).

My boss has asked to come and see me at home, but I said no,because if I panic in my own home I have no where safe to go. I have offered to try go in again.

I didn't know if I was in the minority not being at work or if you all just cope with this and get on with it. I really did feel like I was having a breakdown a few weeks ago, but I do feel better than I did, more settled. I just wish i could stop shaking. But if I do think about it I'm sure its worse..