View Full Version : Hi

01-01-09, 22:42
Hi ive just joined although i have been reading the posts for a while, trying to get my head round citalopram. Ive been taking them 20mg for 2 years, partly due to my job and other stresses i suppose, when i started taking them i did experience hightened anxiety. However those effects soon went and i felt on top of the world, 2 yrs in i felt so so tired id have to have an afternoon nap and being a busy mum of 2 and holding down a full time job it just too much, i missed 3 days tablets, (ran out of tabs) and the tiredness just disappeared, so i stopped taking them, just like that... silly i know but i felt so much better.... for a while. God did it take an effect. I honeslty felt my world was falling apart.. relationship probs, angry with the kids, suicidal, moody u name it!!! I was crying 90% of the day and finally after 4 weeks wivout them i have started taking 10mg.. only 2 days in and the crying has stoppped and i feel ive taken control...this is wivout doctors advice cos i would only get told off for stopping them in the first place... my question to anyone is.. could 10mg in only 2 days really have that effect or is it wishful thinking????? SKY

01-01-09, 23:47

I am now taking 60 mgs of Citalpram a day now. Since I have taken Citalpram for over two years now, I have always felt really tied. I am now finding out difficult to work now. When I work in the morning I just want to sleep in the afternoon. And if do work the whole day I have to take the next day off and sleep. I don't know what to do. If I stop taking Citalpram Will I get depress as I was before. I don't want to be depress again.

I have been on anti depressiants for over 4 years now. At first I was on Fluoxtine. Then I stopped taking Fluoxtine. At first I felt great, then latter on I was finding out difficult to get through the day.


02-01-09, 00:05
Hi Sky

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:


03-01-09, 16:43
Hi Sky,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. As for your medication, I have never taken that brand but I think it could help that fast. In the future, I'd be very careful about going off or on them without your doctor knowing because it can be dangerous. Glad you are feeling better!

Take care,
