View Full Version : OCD Thoughts/Compulsions/Fear?

02-01-09, 02:39
Can anybody tell me if this is normal with OCD/anxiety:

Getting a horrible thought and start avoiding, checking everything. I suffer bad from HOCD from time to time and everything needs to be man like. I OCD over music/food/clothes and it has to be just right? If it's not right I won't eat or buy it. Am I right in thinking any worrying thought can make you OCD over similar things? I feel also you get urges/fear of losing control with OCD and it seems real even when it's not what you really think.

I feel I am suffering bad from this because some of it is very random. When the intense thoughts come on if I fear I am going manic depression I actually feel I am it. I feel I end up talking to much and stuff. Once the anxiety passes it seems to be normal again.

I find the thoughts difficult but it's hard when they seem "real" and they feel like they are in your behaviour and then you start avoiding everything? For example the one above about manic depression when I suffered this OCD bad I never wanted to break any conversation in fear I was going mad during the anxious phrase.

Is this normal with anxiety/OCD? It's like Thought/Worry/Fear > Behaviour > Checking > Compulsion > Reassurance that's how my anxiety feels right now.

02-01-09, 23:11
I've been reading looooooads about OCD/anxiety and this thought pattern sounds very typical to me.

I had a completely irrational fear that I had alzheimers and if I thought about it whilst talking to someone, my mind would go completely blank mid sentance. I would forget what I was watching on tv during the adverts, I couldn't remember peoples names, it drove me nuts but it all passed. The more you worry about something the more phantom symptoms you'll come up with.

These fears always feel real and we'll find loads of 'evidence' to confirm them ignoring all the stuff that proves otherwise, it's just a clever trick of the mind.
