View Full Version : Hello out there!! It's me.

02-01-09, 05:51
Hi. I am Becki, I'm hitting rock bottom here so you will have to look past that. I am in my early 30's, which suddenly is making me realize that I am getting older. I don't think you want to hear about my life, or about me really. I can make it sound really nice when I need to. I have a 9 year old son who is an honor student in 4th grade. I have a Mom that loves me and a Dad who thinks he does. I had to go on disability in 2002 because of Schizoaffective disorder. My son has lived with his father since he was 6 months old. His dad remarried to the most wonderful person in the world, and she and he had 2 other boys, so my son has a wonderful family over there and at my house, where he bounces back and forth. But that is where the good part stops. And for some reason I feel like I need to tell you the bad part because I can't stop crying until I do.

Right before My son's father Nick and I got married I started becoming manic. I didn't know what that meant, I just did what my mind told me to do. I ran up credit card bills, cell phone bills, and slept with several of his co-workers. We got married and everything was goin to be alright because I though I could be forgiven somehow by god. The wedding was perfect. We married in the same church my parents did, Drove away in this old caddy limo that the "boys" had been fixing up since they were old enough to drive. wore the dress his aunt hand made for me. We were so in love, it couldn't have gotten any better. And the manic phases kept coming. I'd clean the house, the cars, I felt like I could do it all! The depression hadn't come yet. We had been married in May, I got pregnant in September. And the affair continued. Then one night I told my husband that I was seeing someone else and I wanted a divorce. And he grabbed some things and went and stayed with his mother. And that was the most painful day of my life. I still loved him so much, He didn't have a clue that i was cheating on him.

And I had no reason to. If I had only known then what I know now, I would still married to the man of my dreams. Instead I have to talk to him through his new wife. And when i want to have my son over and I have to ask his Stepmother if they have plans first. Someone else is raising my child and I have no say in it. I see him as much as possible, and i talk to his father a lot about the way "WE" had planned on raising him before he got here.

But since I turned 24 it's all gone downhill. Fast. The divorce, losing Michael, Losing my jobs, not being able to make it on my own (I live with my parents out of necessity-not because it's cool)I don't date--would you date someone after you found out the have a mental illness and sometimes hear voices that in the past have persuaded them to do things? I don't have any friends, probably becaue I can't drive(I have epilepsy and had a seizure and totalled my Jeep Wrangler last year) I've lost 54 pounds this past year and I'm running the Indianapolis 500 mini-marathon this May, though. Guys don't wait to hear the good stuff though---they are out the door at "mental illness".

I'm just lonely and depressed and p****d off. And I want to feel better but just wanted to doesn't make it happen. If it did, by God I would be the happiest person on the face of this planet.

I just have this horrible feeling of guilt everywhere I go. Like I have done something terrible to humanity and they just don't know it yet. I know I haven't. But I think guilt is worse that depression. At least with depression you can cry. With guilt you cry and when you stop it's still there, strong as ever.


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02-01-09, 09:30
Hi and welcome :)


02-01-09, 16:53
Hi Ellen and :welcome: to NMP
Thank you for sharing your past with us. Please don't feel guilty, mental health illnesses can make us do things that we wouldn't usually do. You should be proud of yourself that you are trying so hard to get your life in order. Bet your son is proud to have such a loving mum.

I am sure you will like it here. There is so much advice, support and information. Chat is great, hope to see you there soon xxx

02-01-09, 16:57
:hugs: hi becki:hugs:

03-01-09, 16:57
Hi Becki, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :hugs:

03-01-09, 17:02
Hi Becki,

Welcome to NMP. Thanks for being so open and honest, I know it must have been difficult to write your life story. You won't move forwards until you do forgive yourself and only you can do it. It won't matter if your parents or ex have already done it, you still must forgive yourself. If I were you I would try some counseling, perhaps with a psychologist. The past is over with and you do need to let it go. You are not a bad person, my hope is that one day you can see this. There are many here who understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. I'm so glad you are here.

Take care,


04-01-09, 22:30
Thank you all so much. You can't imagine how badly I need to have your support right now. I'm having symptoms I've never had before and I can't see the dr until tomorrow(Monday) and My parents really do try to understand, they just want to deal with it questly. Because of the they just cancelled a trip to Las vegas because I can stay alone and I don't have anyone to stay with me. I feel like a 9 year old who needs a baby sitter. All I want to do is cry and it feels like no one here understands. It's like if I cry, I'm making THEM feel bad and then I feel guilty. And I think the schizoaffective disorder has progressed...I don't get manic anymore. Just the voices and the sounds, and I do things that I don't remember doing and that aren't like me. I'm so scared that I'm loosing myself. I don't want to lose myself in this disease.

07-01-09, 09:43
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx