View Full Version : Need some advice

02-01-09, 08:56
Hi i am really new hear but the members seem nice so I am just going to come out and ask for some advice (something I never do, i have trust issues)
Okay I have a dog and I love her to death and well she is not doing so hot anymore, she is 11, and has torn both her hind acls. What this means is her time is coming to an end:emot-crying:. Now i am extremely attached to my dog, i sleep with her, cant sleep without her in the room or i totally freakout. Also I have dealt with some hard things in my life and I doubt that if Brandy (my dog) wasnt there to help me i would not be here today. I dont know what to do anytime i just think about her not being here i start balling my eyes out for a few hours while she is sitting right next to me. I dont think i could handle her not being here, what am i to do because her time is running out?

02-01-09, 11:36
I totally understand where your coming from and dread the day I have to face this I love my dogs like children. Unfortunatley we have to face death in life and somehow we do manage to get on with things a day at a time. Good luck to you honey. At least your dog has had the best life ever and not been stuck with a horrid owner and you can rest assured that you have always done the best you can for your love.XXXXXXXXX