View Full Version : Hi All

02-01-09, 10:59
Hi All

I'm 48, married guy. Looking for some help. I have a good job and used to be the life and soul of everything. The past few years have been a spiral of depression and dark day's. I was on Fluoxtine for a year or so but felt it left me dead to the world, still at least I could sleep and didn't panic all the tme. My mum spent a long part of her life addicted to prescription drugs, she lost the best years and made my dad's life really hard. I'm really scared I'll end up the same. My wife is no help as her solution is 'to get a grip' and stop being an ass.

Hoping to find a way to deal with the panic and get some sleep. I'm fed up not being able to relax and dreading the night cos I know i'll be sitting up myself
Sorry for rambling on


02-01-09, 11:14
hi mikeyd and welcome to the forum ,sorry to here your feeling down at the moment , i am 45 married to and suffer with depression and panic attacks ,i so know where your coming from with the wife thing ,my misses just brushes things off when all you want is a bit of support ,so your not alone there , i find having my clock radio on low at night and focussing on that gets me off to sleep sometimes dont worry to much about things there are some great people on here who can give a lot of good advice , they made me feel better almost straight away ............martin

02-01-09, 11:20
hi martin
i am sorry to hear you are not well...i know the feeling as i used to be the most confident person arround ..now i can go maybe a week and then feel that dreaded feeling of heart racing ,mind in overdrive and it is horrible..i have been loke this 6 months and my greatest dread is being in the house on my own...

02-01-09, 11:21
sorry i mean mickey

02-01-09, 11:45
Hi Gina - Martin

thanks for your word's. i've never used a forum before so will probably take a while to find my feet. Still it's really good to know that I can talk to people who dont think I'm a fruit cake (to quote my wife)


02-01-09, 12:10
Hi Mikey

Welcome aboard. I'm pretty new here too.

02-01-09, 15:56
i am new here as well mikey...but i have a really understanding hubby...he has been there for me since day 1...and how he has survived some of my panics the lord alone knows...

02-01-09, 16:41
Hi Mickey & welcome to NMP

I am sure you will like it here, there is so much support, information and advice.

Hope to see you in chat xx

03-01-09, 16:49
Hi Mikey,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


03-01-09, 16:52
Hi Mikey, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :D