View Full Version : Agoraphobic Grandma!

02-01-09, 12:31
Hello to all those agoraphobics out there - especially the more "mature" ones like me!!!! I've only just joined NMP but reading the stories has already helped me a lot. Just knowing that I'm not the only one with these weird feelings is reassuring and I know that some of you feel far worse than me!

I really feel that with the help of this site - and my own determination - I will greatly improve in 2009. I do go to work part time and I can and do go out but lots of the time I find it difficult. I find myself making excuses just to stay in the safety of my own home. I have a wonderful husband and family (including grandchildren) but they don't know how I feel because I don't tell them and I manage to cover up my feelings all the time. I really don't like going to people's houses, nor do I enjoy shopping, theatres, meetings, etc. I know I must keep on going out and joining in as this seems to be the way to overcome this "complaint" in the long run. I rely on Rescue Remedy and always carry a packet of extra strong mints in my bag! I think it is also important not to let your blood sugar levels get too low as this brings on the shaky feelings. I try and eat a banana midway through the morning when I am working. I would be interested in hearing from other people as to how they cope when "venturing out" and any tips they may have! I really want to be "normal" but it's hard when these strange feelings have been going on for so many years. I'll let you know how things go ..............:yesyes:

02-01-09, 14:54
Hi there - welcome to NMP.
I suffer with the same thing but I can leave the house but feel trapped in shops,offices,pubs,cafes,etc etc etc. I have rescue remedy pasteilles in my bag, a packet of extra strong mints, a bottle of water (to also splash on my face even in midwinter when I feel panicky!!!) and lavendar oil on a tissue!!
I am 48 and am trying to just get on with life but like you - its so frustrating having this panic over normal day to day things! Wenjoy x

02-01-09, 15:09
Hi Helmar & welcome to NMP.

I also suffer with agoraphbia. I can not go out alone, don't work and am also a grandma to a beautiful 2 year old grandaughter.

I applaud the way you are able to go out and work and your coping techniques, sounds like you are a very determined lady!

You are not alone. I am sure you will like it here, there is a lot of information and support.

Look forward to seeing you in chat x

03-01-09, 00:54
Hello from another newbie. :byebye:

Just wondering, a couple of you have mentioned extra strong mints, is this a coincidence or do they really help in some way??

03-01-09, 17:20
Hi Helmar,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
