View Full Version : New member in a bit of a mess

02-01-09, 14:54
Hi all - my name's Jon, I live in the North West of England, and I'm having a bit of a hard time of it at the moment.

I had a bit of a breakdown few years ago following the death of my Dad and the nasty end to my first marriage. Everything went a bit crazy, as did I, I ended up wandering the local vicinity with no idea who I was or where I was. However, with some really good support from a psychiatrist and my then-GP, I managed to get my life back on track (with the assistance of medication), managed to get myself back to work after months and months off, and, a while after, met the best girl in the world who is now my second wife.

Over the subsequent years I've had the odd dip, a bit of the old "black dog", but have done faily well. Until very recently. Unfortunately I was taken ill mid-2008 with my heart, and have been unable to work since, although I'm still employed and am classed as on long-term sick. Over all the time I have been off, I've heard less and less from my so-called colleagues/friends at work, even to the point that some of the people I've worked with for 15+ years have blanked me and have been deleting me from Facebook en masse.

This really hasn't helped my psyche one little bit, in fact I've gotten worse and worse over the festive period, to the point where I just want to walk away from everything - but what would that acheive?

Why are people so heartless and unthinking, especially when they know what you're like, what affects you, how hard things can be?

I get to thinking, what's the bloody point.

02-01-09, 15:09
Hi Jon, sorry to hear what you're going through at the moment but you've come to the right site for support. I know what you mean about so-called friends and colleagues not understanding. I only have a few close friends who I confide in about my anxieties, who it has taken me a long time to trust before I do this. I think people who have been lucky enough to never have experienced break downs/anxiety/depression (or been close to anyone who has) just don't know how to react or understand what we go through. I really feel for the people on here because I know they are all so similar to me and it helps to know we're not alone. Sorry its a bit rambled but I'm trying to hurry as I'm supposed to be getting the xmas tree down. Don't spend your time even thinking about your so called friends, just think about the important people.

02-01-09, 15:19
Hi Jon & welcome to NMP

Sorry to hear that things arn't going too well for you at the moment. alb99 is right in saying you have come to the right place for support. Please don't feel alone, you are amoungst friends here.

There is a lot of information on the left and the forums are great place to post and give and recieve support.

Hope to see you in chat soon xx

Veronica H
02-01-09, 18:25
:welcome: Jon, you will find comfort and support here. Glad you have found us.


03-01-09, 17:15
Hi Jon,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. It is difficult enough to deal with anxiety and/or depression without a physical illness too. I'm sorry that your friends and/or colleagues are not empathetic, they just don't understand. I'm glad you have come here as we all do. Again, welcome.

Best wishes,
