View Full Version : Feeling really poorly

02-01-09, 15:39
Hello, just wanted a bit of advice and wondering if anyone else has had this. As you may well know I have had to stop taking my tablets ready for my endoscopy, which in the end I was unable to swallow.:weep:

I have just started taking my pills again but am feeling really ill much worse that when I started taking them 5 months ago. I am feeling sick,burping, gurgling, very acidic, and coughing, with pains in my tummy, chest pains, and I have coughed up some blood.

My GP said to keep taking them and she thinks it is a hernia or reflux and to ask for more tests at the hospital. I am so worried its cancer as I am feeling so ill, she says it is unlikely as I am only 39 but I am so worried it cant be anything else. This has made my anxiety take hold, you know all the usual, detached from everyone, jumping awake in the night, waking up feeling panic stricken, cant read on hear about anyone else fears about cancer without feeling terrified, cant watch tv about death cry want to cry everytime I see my hubby or children. Feel like a rabbit caught in the headlights. I am so scared of illness and of death and what happens and oh god I feel awful just typing this.

You have all been so supportive on here I really dont know what I would do without you all.

02-01-09, 17:10
I'm so sorry that you're going through such a rough time. I understand because I go through the exact same thing. I know it's hard to do but please try to release the fear from your mind. I'm positive that this is not anything like cancer. We just have a tendency to catastrophize and it causes terror in us. Hang in there.