View Full Version : Where is my mind?

02-01-09, 16:42

First of all, I would like to thank you all for this site and for the opportunity to share my feelings with people, who know what I'm going through. This is a lifesaver!

When I was 10 years old, I was diagnosed with severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, though my psychologist told me, that it was probably an Anxiety Disorder, that manifested itself through OCD. I was treated with Citalopram and was okay again, after about a three weeks of treatment.

Two months ago, I was stupid enough to smoke cannabis. After a REALLY bad trip, I had extreme panic attacks, a feeling of floating out of space, hopelessness and an altered sense of reality. I felt lost, depressed and was afraid, that I was going crazy. I sought medical care and was given Benzodiazepine and more Citalopram, which helped me cope with the anxiety and sudden panick attacks. The doctor told me, that the cannabis had "awoken" the Anxiety Disorder and that I wasn't going psychotic, which helped me alot.

It's been two months now and I have this very strange feeling. It's as if I am walking around in a dream world, with no emotional attachments to the environment - as if I'm there, but not really there. It's as if I'm watching my own life, but not really living it. The world seems strange, distant and with no real coloring, so to speak. It's very disturbing and I keep thinking, that there's something really wrong with me: Like, "I'm loosing my mind/going insane", "something in my brain is broken" or "I have a tumor" etc. When I look in the mirrow, I can see myself, but I don't feel myself standing in front of the mirror. Also, when I close my eyes, I feel myself drifting away - I'm afraid, that when I go to sleep, I won't wake up again. I have sudden blood-rushes to the head, which makes me very dizzy.

After doing some study, I came across "derealization", which sounds very much like the way I'm feeling. I've read some of your posts and it's calmed me down a bit, since alot of you seem to have felt the same way I do, at some point. I would just, for my own sake, like to know if what I'm experiencing sounds like derealization and if so, how you guys came over it?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Jarl, 18 years old.

02-01-09, 16:53
:) hi jarl, sorry your feeling bad - im also having a pretty rough time at the moment with ocd intrusive thoughts - started to worry im going crazy too!

but we're not - take a look at a site called ocduk for help with that

the feeling of unreality sounds like derealisation - which happens when you are extemely anxious - you could discuss this with your doctor/therapist and they will also put your mind at rest that although very upsetting it isnt a permanent state. i have suffered with anxiety disorders since i was 14 - i am now 36 - and although i do still suffer i can tell you it gets easier to cope with as each spell happens - you get stronger - and these conditions dont mean you are defective so dont worry you can lead a full, happy life, take care, emma:hugs:

02-01-09, 17:08
Hi Emma.

Thank you for the reply; you made my day!
I will tell my doctor about the DR, when I see him wednesday - just knowing, that it's not permenant, makes it so much easier to deal with. It's sounds like you've been there and I too believe, that what doesen't kill you, simply makes you stronger:)

Thanks again and all the best wishes!

03-01-09, 15:35
:yesyes: hi jarl, yes a few times ive suffered bouts of prolonged depersonalisation/derealisation, and the more you just let it be the quicker it goes. hard i know but really the only way, as the anxiety levels drop the feelings subside - its hard to tell yourself that it isnt harmful or it isnt going to last forever, but everytime you get a doubt you just have to tell yourself that it will go, and it isnt harmful or a sign youve gone mad, its a perfectly normal response under the circumstances,tc, emma:hugs: