View Full Version : Really Hot Cheeks?

02-01-09, 20:13
Does Anyone Ever Get Really Hot Cheeks. Over The Last Few Weeks Randomly I Have Been Getting This And It Can Last For Upto A Few Hours.
I Havnt Changed Anything I Use So Cant Think What It Can Be But Ofcourse Im Worrying About It.


02-01-09, 23:25
No idea what it is, but i'm getting this too.

+ I haven't changed anything either.

03-01-09, 09:12
I get this every once in a while. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason for it. I just apply a cool washcloth and it seems to clear up after a day.

03-01-09, 09:27

Yes I get this alot. It seems to happen when I am feeling stressed or in a situation where I can't escape easily. I think it is the increase in adrenaline that flushes your cheeks. If I am really stressed it spreads to my neck, chest and even upper arms. It is nothing to worry about but I know how annoying it is as everyone lloks at you. Or at least you think they do. Really they are probably just thinking that you look a bit hot.

I have found that the more I focus on it the worse it gets. If I let myself get self conscious about it, ie imagining everyone is staring at me then it gets alot worse.

Try to ignore it and distract yourself. It happens to me alot at work. Often I tell people that I suufer from panic attacks and that my face is red cos I'm feeling anxious. Then the next time it happens they don't ask me if I'm ill or something, cos that makes me far far worse since I suffer from health anx.

Once you realx the redness and burning goes but it does take a long time. This is the last symptoom to go for me even though it is one of the first to appear.

Take care