View Full Version : How can I be sure ?

02-01-09, 21:51
I am on Fluoxetine for Panic Attacks - 1st Tablet taken today, I went to GP and said I had panic attacks and she just prescribed me tablets. How can I be sure it is panic attacks and nothing worse ?

02-01-09, 21:57
What kind of symptoms are you having?

02-01-09, 21:58
Hiya Tiffany

Are your panic attacks situational? Or are they quite random?


02-01-09, 22:04
my symptons are fuzzy head, disturbed vision (my eye test was clear) dizziness. I just cant shake this dull feeling inside. I have given up caffeine which I know causes me horrid feelings whilst it is coming out of my system. When I have an attack I get an upset stomach, rapid heartrate and numb fingers.

I just wish my head would feel clearer

02-01-09, 22:06
Hi Tiffany

Does this just come out the blue hun or when you are in a stressfull situation?


02-01-09, 22:19
at the mo it feels constant - I have been extremely stressed but felt fine then all the sudden I had a panic attack and now I cant shake the feeling that there is something wrong with me xxx

02-01-09, 22:29
Well if it helps hun then your symptoms are related to anxiety/panic but i still think your doctor should have been a tad more thorough before throwing out anti depressants. (not that i am suggesting there is anything underlying).

The thing with Anxiety and Anxiety related disorders is sometimes there are background reason for the way the anxiety come out in us and in other people, there is NO aparent reason whatsoever.

If you are at all worried then i would suggest you perhaps go to another doctor in your surgery for a second opinion (which is well within your rights).

Hope this helps

Love Lisa

02-01-09, 22:35
Thank you Lisa. When I think about it logically I should be reassured. I was at the doctors getting a repeat perscription when they checked my blood pressure and she told me it has come down since last time

I feel like I want to go and speak to another doctor but also worried that they wont understand and will think I am wasting their time xx

02-01-09, 22:43

Anxiety/Panic attacks are more common than you may think so no doctor should think you are wasting their time. If they do then keep moving on till you get one that you trust. There is only one in my practice that i have complete faith in and he has helped me alot.

Don't let anoyone fob you off hun.

Love Lisa

02-01-09, 22:54
My doctor has taken early retirement due to panic disorder. Don't think doctors are some super being. I am sure it was after I bothered him so much with my Panic disorder.

Hope he is ok!!!


02-01-09, 23:17
My doctor has taken early retirement due to panic disorder. Don't think doctors are some super being. I am sure it was after I bothered him so much with my Panic disorder.

Hope he is ok!!!


:D :D I am sure you were not the cause - but this did make me smile

Thanks xx