View Full Version : Really scared, sleeping problems

02-01-09, 23:21
I apologise in advance for the essay!

For the past MANY months, i've had problem sleeping. I can never get to sleep early, no matter how hard i try. I never fall to sleep before 2am, if i do, i end up waking at about 5am then taking about an hour or more to get back to sleep.
It gives me terrible migraines/pressure/tension headaches, on my forehead, eyes, AND all over my head, sides, temples and back of head. I also feel really sick at night and in the morning. Last night i was disgustingly sick in my mouth 3 times.

I've rang the doctors but they can't fit me in until February! Does anybody else have this?

Please don't give me sleeping advice because trust me, i've tried EVERYTHING.

02-01-09, 23:54
i hate it when nobody answers :'( im so scared

Vanilla Sky
03-01-09, 00:01
dont be scared honey ! im paige im not going to give u any sleeping advice dont worry u need to see ur doc but febuary !! thats ridicolous if its to bad and u cant cope ring your surgery every day and ask for an emergency appointment and keep ringing til you get one i dont think you should have to suffer what your going through for to long big hugs paige x

03-01-09, 00:07
im just so scared that this is bad for my health and im goin to die of exhaustion :'(!! it is rediculous, u have to ring at 8.30 in a mornin no matter when u want ur appointment for. but im at work at that time, there is nobody to call for me.
i hear ringing and beeping in my ears too, sometimes it sounds like morse code. im so scared! thank you for your reply.

03-01-09, 02:04
please someone answer my last post :'(

03-01-09, 02:05

If you are having trouble getting an appointment at your doctors then call NHS Direct or NHS 24. They will listen to your concerns and help you out in what ever way they can. Paige is right, though, you shouldn't have to wait until Feb for a doctor's appointment. Please try not to worry, it will sort itself out sooner than you think.

03-01-09, 06:26
Hello there

i know you are scared... it can be very very scary when you cant sleep.. it sucks dosent it? not being able to do somthing that you should do naturally.
i saw your post and i can relate to what your going threw.. i have been there myself and i still do sometimes. there are some foods out there that are actaully really good to help with issues like this chicken fruit and veggies .. yummy apples stuff like that has stuff in it that naturally help you sleep at nights i started eating abit more of that stuff and gave up caffine there was one time where i didnt sleep for 7 days... not even a hour.. i thought i was going to go crazy i felt miserable... i was so depressed i couldnt eat or think.. i felt the same sensations you told us about... finally i called my mother back in america she told me that when she used to have problems sleep she would take somthing called melentonin she said it puts more of the stuff in your brain that naturally puts you to sleep i can not stand taking meds to be honest... but i was so so so desprate for sleep i felt i had no other choice so i went to a health store and bought some i talked to the person over the counter about it ofcourse and he said not to take it all the time only take it when i truely need it(only because if you take it all the time it wont work as well) Anyways that helped me abit untill i was able to see a doctor about the problem he told me i was just a stress head and Gave me Anti D's wich suprisingly did help :ohmy: i get 5 hours of sleep a night now.. that my sound like very little sleep to most people but for me it is amazing compared to what it used to be like for me! Also try a warm camomile tea and read a book before bed! i am sure many people have said read a book it helps.. and if you are anything like me you were thinking (haha yeah right :roflmao: thats just what people say!) well one night i was desprate to sleep i took my melentonin read a book had a nice hot cup of camomile tea and OMG it worked!!!!!!!:ohmy: i was like wtf omg!
it turns out reading a book helps to relax your mind :hugs: i spend alott of time on the computer..and well the reason people say tv and computer all the time can be bad for you is because.. they keep your mind awake .. they keep u wanting more! .. a book helps relax you and gives u somthing else to think about.. make sure its a nice book tho lol :roflmao: .. im sorry for all of this babbleing i really care about you and what your going threw.. i know it can feel horrible and you may feel like noone understands what you are going threw... i Understand .. it sucks so bad not sleeping its one of the worst things i have experienced.. i have always been a depressed and sad person.. the only thing i looked forward to was going to sleep it was the only time i was truely at peace.. and then when i wasnt able to do that naturally anymore omg! i felt horrible and even more depressed it was awful!.. i better end this now before i keep going.. i want you to know i am here for you and if you need somone to talk you while you are going threw this please e-mail me for add me to your MSN messanger Andy_roo5000@hotmail.com
or even send my a private message on here. im sure we can find somthing to get your mind off of this sleeping problem you are having.. i know its hard not to think about it when you can not sleep!! but the more you do think about it the more you are scared of it and the more sleep you lose.. lety me tell you now You are going to be ok its not going to hurt you... you will get threw this i promise. Dont let it scare you. Keep your appointment to see your doctor and who knows maybe it will pass by the time you see him! please contact me and let me know how you are!:hugs:

with lots of love Andrew

03-01-09, 06:53
hello ive decided to share some of my previous sleep posts if you want to have a look.. ive posted about sleepless nights on here a few times as well http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=37410

03-01-09, 09:43
Hi, I have suffered sleeping problems on and off for a couple of years. Two things I found really helped. Diazepam from the docs just for a few nights to re-establish a sleeping pattern, going at same time and getting up at same time etc.... followed by a week of nightol to do the same alone with using a deep relaxation cd every night for a few months. Did not work everynight and took some time probably about 6 months to get back to normal but this has happend to me 3 times now and this method has helped get me back on track. I was so worried and anxious it was that keeping me awake and medication helped break that cycle. good luck feb is ridiculous, give your docs an earful. xxxxxxxxxxxx

agent orange
03-01-09, 10:53
I sometimes have sleeping problems (another Anxiety thing for me) I bought some kalms from the chemist and I take 4 an hour before bedtime, it is also very important to try and relax (easier said than done). My advice would be not to take any stimulants before sleep, i.e coffee etc. As everyone else is saying, ring that doctors until they give you an appointment, sometimes the doctor has spare appointments kept aside, if not try to get them to call you back either at lunchtime or after surgery if you cannot see them, but I would not wait.....
Take Care.

03-01-09, 11:22
Hi this is about the doctor really!!
work should allow you to ring the dr if you need an appointment and you are in work at the time they open, speak to your supervisor about it or the human resources people.
Also some GP surgeries now have something called EMIS access, basically this enables patients to book appointments online and is convenient if like you the person works when the surgery opens. Ask the receptionists if your surgery have this facility or plan to.
hope you are feeling ok x