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03-01-09, 01:01
Big panic here....I read that anxiety can cause cancer!!!!! totally freaked out now!!! i have been a anxiety sufferer for 20 years, this worries me even more!!!

03-01-09, 12:52
I'm a bit late but will say it anyway. I've never heard anything like that before so please don't let it stress you. It sounds very like another one of these study groups that gets alot of funding to come up with nonesense that contridicts current thinking.

All the best


03-01-09, 12:59
Huh?? I've never heard anything like that before - sounds frankly ridiculous to me. Not entirely sure how you could 'think' yourself to cancer... Smoking and cancer / Sun and cancer etc I completely understand as they are external factors causing it.

Please don't worry yourself with this - it sounds like nonsense just as Nechtan wrote above.