View Full Version : Having an attack please help

03-01-09, 01:25
Hi All,

Hope you all had a good christmas and I wish you all the best for the new year..

I haven't taken meds for 3 months now, I was doing really well, had a few attacks, but just tiny ones which i could handle, but I am having a full blown attack now.

I am so angry with myself... can you let me know if your attacks have been triggered by going to see a band play before, because the beat was making my heart beat really race and skip a beat, and I think that may be why....

I only had 2 bottles of cider to drink, so I don't think it could have been that, I am quite ill at the moment though got a stinking cold and chesty cough, could that have triggered it.

I have taken some beta blockers that I have left over and some kalms night to try and calm me down, I just want to go to sleep and wake up in the morning feeling better..

I think I am going to go back to see my doctor see if he will give me some diazapan, If I am only going to be having the odd attack, it should be ok, and I don't think I will get addicted to it..

I am proper rambling on now, sorry I just need some reassurance that everything is going to be ok...

My mom is really understanding and always stays up with me when I have an attack, I have to make her go to bed, cause sometimes they last all night on and off....


03-01-09, 01:52
What a sweet mom! You are lucky to have a mom who cares so much. Of course if it were my daughter, I would help her, too. Maybe if your dr. gives you the diazapan, it may help just knowing that you have it in case you need it. I hope you feel better soon, you are not alone. Janet

03-01-09, 02:02
Hey there, it's ok try not to worry, palpitations can come on anytime and when you least expect it. Its usually because there is underlying anxiety, maybe because you haven't taken your medication it may have contributed to the way you feel as well. Also you have a cold, its your bodys way of saying "i need a rest"

I hope you feel better in the morning.
Take care xx

03-01-09, 12:47
Yes, I sometimes get a bit shaky when I go to see a band (which is a bit crazy, as I also play in a band....!) I think it's to do with the loud music and the buzz getting the adrenalin going.

I went to see a band recently, and initially found the sensation of the bass-drum thumping in my chest alarming. But once I got used to it, I relaxed completely, as it was impossible to tell whether I was having palpitations or not!

03-01-09, 20:25
Sorry you have had a bad one. My Dr gave me a few diazapam and it makes all the difference just to have them in the house in case I need them. You may find that just the security lessens the attacks. Hope you feel better soon. xx

05-01-09, 22:10
Hi All,

Thanks for the advice and reassurance, it really helps to know there are people out there who know what I am going through.


05-01-09, 22:17
I know what you mean about the music and beat. I find that if im out and theres loud music, it makes my heart palpatate etc. Just rememeber the panic attacks will not harm you.

05-01-09, 22:33
Awwww that's sweet of your mum!
A panic attack can come on anytime so it isn't related only to certain incidents. Please try not to be angry with yourself, there is nothing you have done wrong, it just happens when it wants to- not always at the best of times. Once it has happened the worst thing you can do is to dwell on it, you'll be expecting it to happen again and so it will. Try to distract yourself by relaxing and enjoying listening to the music. I have never used medication to treat my PA so i don't know what to advise for that but what i reccommend to everyone is going to the gym, really is excellent! I'm guna try yoga soon (suppose to be relaxing) but whatever works best for you. Everything will be fine, you are fine :-)
take care