View Full Version : Love or anxiety?

03-01-09, 08:00
Hi all,

As some will know I have been working and living away from home for about 6-7 months now and been quite down. I do travel back to my home town most weekends but it isnt ideal. I have a friend in my hometown whom ive known for about 4 years and recently we have got a lot closer. I have developed major feelings for him but he doesn't feel the same unfortunatly. When we first met we both were quite lonely and thats how we ended up mates but now he is confident, goes out a lot and has a variety of friends and hes happy. I cant help feeling depressed and jealous all the time it makes me feel physically sick and insecure. Is this anxiety or is this love?? Its driving me mad!! I don't know what to do! or why I feel this way.


03-01-09, 13:11
It is probably a bit of both or your feelings making you feel anxious also. It is very diffocult to deal with when you want to be with someone and they don't feel the same way. Its not something you can just get over straight away as these feelings usually build over a long period of time. The aching will no doubt be a good trigger for anxiety. Unfortunately though only time will heal you there.

All the best
