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03-01-09, 11:26
I was starting to get over my fear of glands etc etc. Hence out of the panic. When I felt my throat this morning, i now have a clicking, when i press in the right side of my throat.

Does anyone else get this, or have they had it?

Im really scared

03-01-09, 11:35
Im just sitting up stairs crying. I cannot get out of thehih anxiety this time. Itsd really getting to me. :-(

03-01-09, 12:08
It sounds as though you are pressing too hard and clicking the small bones in your neck and or your voice box.
If you had swollen glands they would be soft and not click.
the main reason you hear clicking is that your throat is connected to your ears.
Take care hope you feel better soon

Vanilla Sky
03-01-09, 12:17
Hi emma jane, iv never hed a gland fear so im not sure what you maen but iv had loads of other fears and it just sounds to me like you are so tuned into it your noticing things that perhaps if we werent on such high alert wouldnt be noticed at all. Do you know what i mean? Im like that with my heart fear at tho moment im aware of it all the time every missed beat every little pain but when i distract myself i then realise i wasnt thinking about it for ages and thats a good thing... distraction works for me.. hope your ok soon hon x

03-01-09, 15:48
If someone is medically trained out there or they do not suffer from HA, then could they google or let me know please. Why or what causes the right side of my neck about an inch from the centre of my throat to click. It only happens when I press it. Not on movement. My main question is, would this have anything at all to do with cancer or any other serious illness. How far does your throat or voice box, go out from your adams apple to the side.

ARGH!!!! doing my head in

Thanks all. I cant get through this.

03-01-09, 16:56
Are there any ligaments etc in this area. Its like a cracking, but only happens when I press it on the outsode. Not on swallowing and in a cetain position. :-(

House fan
03-01-09, 17:01
Hello EmmaJane

I'm sorry to hear that you are getting yourself into a bit of a state, and hopefully I can reassure you that there is in fact absolutely nothing wrong with your throat or neck. Have you any idea just how the neck and throat are constructed?

There are seven vertebrae that are the bony building blocks of the spine in
the neck (the cervical vertebrae) that surround the spinal cord and canal. Between these vertebrae are discs, and nearby pass the nerves of the neck. Within the neck, structures include the neck muscles, arteries, veins, lymph glands, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, esophagus, larynx, and trachea.

Quite a lot happening in that little neck of yours, yes? And absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, I can assure you. The clicking noise you are hearing is more than likely muscle tissue, which you have managed to aggrivate by your constant prodding. Nothing more and nothing less!

There is no disease present in your throat, you need to believe me, but you need to stop poking around this delicate structure, or you are likely to aggrivate it further, and there is absolutely no need for it whatsoever.

And before you go wondering if you can 'damage' your neck or throat by prodding too much... the answer is an emphatic no, but you are obviously so sensitised at the moment, I can imagine you prodding away about 100 times a day, until you find something a bit unusual ( but perfectly normal ) and then the panic starts all over again.

Stop prodding babe, your throat and neck are perfect, trust me.


03-01-09, 17:10
House thank you. Im finding it really hard to stop prodding. I did go to the docs on Tues, who said everything was normal. This clicking wasnt there then. Although this is the area, that I have been poking and prodding since xmas eve, thinking I have Lymphoma.

I had a blood test FBC in may. Dont know if this will show any probs in advance (maybe you know). Does it test quite a bit in advance, these blood tests. xx

03-01-09, 17:17

You are just pressing on neck muscles and nothing more sinister than that. Please try not to worry.

03-01-09, 17:28
Do neck muscles feel as if they click?

03-01-09, 19:45
Hi emma,

Please try not to worry. \i am pressing on mine and they are doing the very same thing.

03-01-09, 20:36
I was thinking, I get Globus Hystericus, which I actually have at the moment, through stress and worry. Would the popping and clicking, that Im feeling as above, have something to do with that?

03-01-09, 21:51

My neck does the same exact thing - I think you're just pushing on ligaments and the voice box area. Mine is doing the clicking popping thing as I push from the right side exactly as you describe. If you want to push on something push the fear from your mind and stop pushing on your throat :o)


04-01-09, 06:29

I know you said you don't have it when you swallow but I have had it for at least a year when I swallow. It's not all the time but a lot of the times, especially when I just swallow my own saliva. I HAVE Googled it, especially because it started when I wasn't having strong health anxiety yet. Everything I found on the 'net was mostly forums of people talking about getting the click and doctors finding nothing wrong, so there must be nothing wrong. Feel relieved to know that it only happens when you go prodding and it isn't clicking for no reason :) Take care, hun!

04-01-09, 10:31
Ok. Ive woken up today and checked 4 times already. But now very sore to touch, guess thats my own fault for all the prodding.

I have noticed, that when I prod and I feel the clicking, if I swallow. You can feel the throat move along where the popping/clicking is.

04-01-09, 11:22
I am feeling really down today, cant stop crying, cant speak cos to anxious. Still convinced I have cancer of throat or something. Just text my husband, and told him he better off woth someone else, who will make him happy.

I didnt tell him, cos I cant speak.


Havent been like this for a long time.

04-01-09, 14:06
:flowers: :flowers: Emma this is going to sound really silly:blush: have you ever rolled a snow ball and watched how it picks up more and more snow until it is huge??
This is exactly what your nerves are doing at the moment:ohmy:
If you did an exercise in moving your head slowly to the left and then slowly to the right you would probably hear a crackling sound as if your bones are disintegrating:ohmy:
IT IS ONLY the tension in the muscle tissue:weep: it frightens people so much and yet is actualy right for the release of tension.
House fan has given a really good explanation on the workings of the neck.
:flowers: do something like put on your favourite record (CD) and sing your head off:blush: It will make you feel better:blush: Hope you manage to calm down soon:hugs: :hugs:

04-01-09, 15:33
Hi All

Thanks for all the replies. Right I have spokent to the doc again. He said same as House regarding the workings of the neck. He does not know of any cancer that is caused through the neck/throat clicking when pressed.

He said it may of been there forever and may stay there forever.

If he pushes his neck around, he can make it click. Recons it probably cartlidge.

Blood test would have picked up abnormalities, even up to now from 7 months ago


04-01-09, 16:35
Yes Ive pulled a muscle in my neck before and its clicked when i pressed it but I just forgot about it and it went away. You should do the same, its absolutely nothing to worry about.

04-01-09, 16:43
In fact Im pressing my throat now from the side and it clicked! Hope this puts your mind at rest, its prefectly normal xx

04-01-09, 17:09
Yes they do - weird clicking/popping sensation.

04-01-09, 17:39
Hi Emma
Hope that the replies on here and the visit to your doctors has put your mind to rest. I hope you realise now that there is nothing wrong with you. Please try to get on with your life without worrying xxx

04-01-09, 17:58
Hi Sunshine. Thanks for the reply. I havent een to the doc, just spoke to him on the fone x

08-04-09, 20:10
mine click all the time! Im not too sure why!

09-04-09, 02:38
Happens to me all the time dear. And I honestly only realised it because I too was checking my glands, poked too hard and was like 'oooh, that doesn't sound right!'

My parents, friends and Doctors all assured me it was nothing. So I hope this settles you somewhat!

All the best xx

Fang Soup
12-06-16, 17:15
This post made me feel so much better i was freaking out as well. Glad I'm not alone lol

12-06-16, 17:36
Just pressed mine in exactly the same place and it clicks too. It is obviously normal anatomy so please try not to worry.

19-01-17, 03:07
is it only when you press on the right or on both sides. I have similar ssensation but only on the right. Not the left

19-01-17, 03:15
This is a very old thread. I don't think you're going to get responses from these members at this point.

Positive thoughts

19-01-17, 15:19
I don't think cancer would show symptoms like this tbh I think it more associated with lumps and bleeding etc. The fact the you have to prod to get that sound tells me it's ok and you've been to the doctor too.

03-01-20, 20:06
Hi Emma, May I ask what ever came of this? I’m experiencing something very similar with my throat when I push on it. Scheduled to see an ENT later this month. Thx!