View Full Version : P/A and the Flu

03-01-09, 11:56
Not sure if anyone else feels this way, but the number of times I have heard the words 'flu epidemic' and 'winter vomiting sickness' etc is just getting ridiculous and, to be honest, really stressing me out and making me panic even more!

It is perfectly normal to get the flu or a bug - right now I have a sore throat and a cold and I am in a right old panic about it. I've not felt so scared of being unwell before, and think that this constant barage of information about pandemics, deaths etc is really getting to me.

I don't even have any sort of health fears (I do have emetaphobia but have always had that) and yet I'm at a state of extremely high anxiety just because of this crazy sore throat and cold!!!!!

Is the news and the associated fear getting to anyone else as well??

Vanilla Sky
03-01-09, 12:27
Hi orange blossom, yes i totally know what you mean its the damn media scaring us coz theres no other news worth reporting, you always get this in winter just like summer only then its skin cancer they have us worrying about! Get some lozengers for your throat one with anasthetic for the pain and paracetomol or some other remedy for your cold. Youl be ok honey keep warm and take care love paige x

03-01-09, 12:47
The wife, 3 kids and I were all down with a winter bug before Christmas and just about everyone my wife talked to had experienced it too. It seems to have got around quite a bit this year and affects people in different ways.

The good thing is they don't last long. I think it is normal to worry about it and when you are anxious it is not the nicest way to spend your time but it will pass- hopefully soon.

All the best
