View Full Version : My lip feels weird

03-01-09, 12:19
Hi everyone, hope your New Years eve was good!

I have a question about a funny feeling i have in my lower lip.
It feels strange, like numb at times and it also tingling in it.

Have had it like this for a couple of days and it starts to scare me alot.

Is this related to my anxiety do you think?
Have anyone else experienced this?

/ Daniel

03-01-09, 13:35
yes i have had the numbness around the lips. i asked the doc about it and yes it is all down to anxiety. hope this helps

03-01-09, 15:24
I have had this quite a lot, doesnt seem to bother me much anymore as i try to pay it no attention. Mine would start to feel numb around my chin, then up to my lips and mouth. I think its also caused by the tension we hold in our jaw as much as anything.

03-01-09, 15:40
Thanks both Debera ans Sarah!!

So this is happening to more people than me, that feels a little bit better if you know what i mean.

I started to be really scared here and didnt not what was going on.

Anxiety seems to make all kinds of scary things.

I guess i have to try to calm down about this one too.

03-01-09, 16:51

Tingling and numbness around the face, head and lips is very common with anxiety. Try not to worry about it and I am sure it will go away.

03-01-09, 18:02
I get that all the time, can't say why though

eternally optimistic
03-01-09, 21:21

Thats one of the very weirdest symptoms I can relate to many many years ago.

I was pregnant with my daughter and it felt like my lips were tingling and my throat was gonna close up, bit like an allergic reaction, I suppose.

Didnt realise at the time that it was an anxiety thing, but now know it was.

I only it had it happen twice, but very unpleasant.

03-01-09, 22:04
Hi Dazo

The tingling lips is definately an anxiety symptom, this is one of the very first symptoms I got and even now on really bad days it comes back.


09-01-09, 08:46
Hi everyone . I get a numb lip too . it also feel s numb in my chin or neck .Are you all taken a med ? .I never had this untill i started taking prozac for anxiety and depression .I thought this was aside effect of the drug .

09-01-09, 08:47
i have this on and off , but only since taking prozac

09-01-09, 09:12
i get it and have never taken any meds

28-11-09, 23:03

When anxiety hits, the heart rate speeds up and breathing grows shallow. As a result of this shallow breathing, a loss of blood flow to the extremities will take place, resulting in tingling in the fingers, toes and sometimes even the lips. Unfortunately, these sensations may only exacerbate the anxiety, causing even more tingling as the anxiety builds. Very common with anxiety and nothing serious.