View Full Version : Hi, my anxiety is literally killing me :(

03-01-09, 12:25
Hey everyone, I'm a 16 year old male and live in Los Angeles. I have had bad anticipatory anxiety and panic attacks for around a year now. The past few months I have been able to control my panic attacks due to being so used to having them.

I have anticipatory anxiety 24/7, but the time I feel most trapped is usually at night or when I go out. I am not agoraphobic, I fear the outside world often, but it is still possible for me to go out if I keep my cool.

All this anxiety has put me into a mild depression, I mean these are my teenage years and I'm supposed to be having fun, but instead I just watch time pass as my friend's all go out to social event's an just live it up.

Thanks in advance everyone, this is a great forum!

03-01-09, 17:50

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


03-01-09, 17:58

Welcome to NMP, i really hope you find strength from this site, there are some amazing people on here.

Take care xxx:flowers:

03-01-09, 19:51
Hi and :welcome: to NMP
I am sure you have found the right place. You will get so so much help, information and support here. Chat is a good place to make friends

04-01-09, 14:10
Hi Bandar

After reading your posting I feel that you have agoraphobic tendencies. Agoraphobia is not a fear of the great outdoors but simply the fear of having a panic attack in public. I have felt the anticipatory anxiety that you describe and also could go for walks in the countryside but on being honest with myself the anxiety on going out was having a major panic attack with other people around. So my advise to you is seek help with those panic attacks and ensure that you dont fear them anymore. It is the fear that drives them, CBT may help the anticipatory anxiety but if you think about it logically the anticipatory anxiety is often the highest point of the anxiety cycle so after that its all downhill to normality.

It will pass with time but above all do not use avoidance, I did and have agoraphobic tendencies even now which are difficult especially when travelling by car.

I wish you all the best

04-01-09, 15:25
Hi bandar, and welcome to NMP.
I know how you feel, seeing younger people like me
enjoying themself also breaking my heart. I should enjoying myself too, and
not just siting around the house 24/7 for 5 years...
Life is too cruel to me.

But i really hope you get better bandar..

07-01-09, 09:46
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx