View Full Version : Hard To Muster Up Motivation?

03-01-09, 16:34
Well a new year and I am still as unmotivated as ever, I have so much I want to change I don't know where to start, I want rid of anxiety and depression, I want to get out an exercise, I want to give up smoking, I want to lose weight, I just can't find any motivation for any of it. http://bbs.stresscenter.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_frown.gif Have you ever felt like this? I've been like this all my life, procrastination I think its called, I need a really big kick up the rear, HELP!

03-01-09, 17:09
Hi Sam
I sort of know how you feel. A lot of pressure to be better in the new year can be quite overwhelming.
Like you, I want to be free of anxiety, Im not bothered about the exercising as I prefer to be busy around the house and garden, I gave up smoking through being bedridden with anxiety, I want to put on weight as I lost over a stone in the last 5 months!
Most of all, I want to regain some independence, to be on my own without the mind demons pulling me into panic and anxiety, to go out shopping, to see my friends again, to leave home and have a holiday or two....the list goes on.
Don't be hard on yourself, I think everyone on the site must have a sense of New Years Blues.
Im just going to set myself small tasks and goals and take small steps to achieve my targets. If I have a bad day, hey ho, if its a good one...Whoopee.
If you need a kick up the proverbial, I will be glad to put my size 5's in your direction LOL.

03-01-09, 17:15
I'm in the process of writing all my goals down, I am then breaking them all down, and going into fine detail how to achieve them, may not work but at least the blue print will be there on paper.

03-01-09, 18:00
i get the same way, that why I would do volunteer work, meet my friends for lunch, that way I'd HAVE TO get out n do something!
plus doing those things also helped lift my sprites and motivate me.
therapy once a week helps me,
plann things like meeting friends,

03-01-09, 19:01
Well a new year and I am still as unmotivated as ever, I have so much I want to change I don't know where to start, I want rid of anxiety and depression, I want to get out an exercise, I want to give up smoking, I want to lose weight, I just can't find any motivation for any of it. http://bbs.stresscenter.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_frown.gif Have you ever felt like this? I've been like this all my life, procrastination I think its called, I need a really big kick up the rear, HELP!

Hi, Sam:)

YES to all of that for me lol

You sound just like me, in fact!

There's so much I want to do but most days I feel so crappy I can't bring myself to do nothing but sit on my bed and sketch, eat, smoke, snack. I'm overweight and I know I need excercise but just the thought of doing anything that'll make me dizzy or tired I want to stay away from because all of that brings on anxiety for me. It's a never ending vicious circle. I was doing well for a couple of weeks by making myself go out and walk a bit outdoors even for five minutes. Some days I did fine and others not so much. Today I'm telling myself to go out but just the thought of facing the open space outdoors makes me anxious and I hate that feeling so much. I'm going to do it though in just a few minutes...even if I just go off the porch lol

Let's try taking things just a little at a time.

Take care,


eternally optimistic
03-01-09, 21:14
Hi Sam and Happy New Year...

Im sure you'll find something that you can do to achieve.

If you are able to get out and about, can you do some walking and that will help with the weight and the mind, in fact its brilliant for the mind.

I usually set myself unrealistic goals and then feel rubbish for not achieving.

Find something you really like doing and the anxiety might allieviate, you might lose weight and you might give up the fags.

Dont pressurise yourself to do it all at once.


03-01-09, 21:31
I'm exactly the same, and it's been like this for a while now. For the past couple of weeks I have been doing daily exercise, smoking outside (not in my flat - which means I smoke less) and watching my diet (to a certain extent). And these past couple of days, I just can't be bothered. I'm smoking on the sofa again and eating Cadbury Giant Buttons like they are going out of fashion.

I'm hoping going back to work on Monday (dreading it) will get me going again.

I think sometimes you have to force yourself to do things like exercise :-( A bit like doing the housework.


eternally optimistic
03-01-09, 21:40
Oh Dahlia, that's sounds rather nice, sofa - giant buttons (LOL).