View Full Version : bad head and feeling sick ?

03-01-09, 17:02
hi guys

not sure if this is my health anx playing up or something other!

i never get a bad head but just now i have had one for 4 days not very bad all day but it is there and making me feel sick to .
i have had a cold just befor xmas but that has now gone just left with a cough.
i am starting to worry that there is something wrong like high bp ,or worse a brain tumor.

what do you think this may be and dose anyone else get then for days at a time makeing then feel sick and not themselfs ?

jodie xxx

03-01-09, 17:58
Hi Hun

It sounds like a migraine to me and i know those can last for days at a time, Thing with migraines too, is the more you stress/worry about it, the longer they can go on.

I'm not a headache sufferer hun so don't know much about them but hopefully others can advice you.

Loads of Love



03-01-09, 18:01
Hi Jodie

I am a huge headache sufferer, mine are tension type headaches and i find trying to relax (yes i know this is hard) and applying heat or ice to it helps no end.

If you are concerened go and get your bp checked by a doc or chemist.

Take care, i hope it passes soon.

Karen xxx:flowers:

03-01-09, 18:08
thanks guys

see i never realy get a bad head so when i do i seem to panic and over think .
i dont feel stressed or panicy about anything so not sure what is making me get them .
some ppl have said it might be my bp others say drink more water .

how long is it befor you would go to the docs and tell him ? not sure how long you can have a bad head befor they would want to find out whats wrong

jodie x

03-01-09, 18:47
If you has a cold before christmas it might just be that your sinuses are a bit inflamed and bunged up, I always feel sick when i get colds. Also if your feeling a bit panicky you might be swallowing a lot of air and saliva which can make you feel sick.
Hope you feel better soon x:)

03-01-09, 20:39
hi jodie
it sounds like migraine to me . but you have had a cold so maybe its your sinuses hun. try not to worry im sure its nothing to worry about. giving you big hugs hope you feel better soon
love debera
x x x x x x x x x:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

03-01-09, 21:26
Quick question...

Have you noted a time of day when the headache is the worst? Is the pain noticible in only a specific region, is it everywhere, or does the pain seem to change location?

03-01-09, 22:05

well it seems to be on and off most the day .it is not a really bad head just there like a dull pain ,it can also go into my eyes and is more at the front and my nose.
i know last week i had a really bad cough and it was that bad i am hopeing i have not done something to my head inside i know it sounds silly but thats what i am thinking.

jodie x

03-01-09, 22:13

It really does sound like a sinus thing, try steam or a nasal stick and if you no better by Monday go doctors.

Take care hun, and try not to worry.

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Karen xx

03-01-09, 22:14

Defo sounds like the sinuses then hun as they go across the forehead and down each side of the nose.

Go to pharmacy tomorrow because they can give you something to relieve that. Sinutab (however you spell it) is very effective! I have had that before and it worked.

Let us know how you get on mate
Love Lisa

06-01-09, 19:45
hi guys

i am so scared tonight

my head is still hurting it kinda comes from the back into the front and today my neck hurts to .i just feel in a mess with worrying over it i could not get into the doctors until thursday .
i know this is silly but i am thinking tumor,brain aneurysm with all the coughing after the cold i had.
this is about day 6 i mean i have never known of anyone with a bad head for this long ?

jodie x:weep:

06-01-09, 20:02

If this is a sinus infection hun then the probability is that it won't improve a great deal until you get something from the doctor. Same if it is a virus. These things can last for a while and are better treated. Did you manage to get to the chemist?

Please try to stop worrying hun because you HA will be making you feel so much worse.

Love and hugs



06-01-09, 20:07
thanks lisa

i did go to the chemist he pressed on my eye brows and cheeks and asked a few things and said he did not think it was my sinus,s .
i know this is crazy but i googled and a brain tumor on one part of your brain can make your head worse if you bend ,shout,or anything that adds preasure and also make you feel sick and make your periods be all over the place well i have all of that now i just can not get myself together i am in a right bloody mess this is so not like me i have been so good with things (ha)over the last few months and now i can not think .
i never get a bad head so this is all crazy for me it just dont feel right at all
