View Full Version : is this panic attacks

03-01-09, 18:22
Hi everybody.
What a great site,I am 48 years old, and trying to work out if i am suffering from panic attacks or stress or whatever else. My fears happen in shops or walking in towns.I never have any symptons when driving, or walking my dog in the countryside.I enter a shop and bang it hits me, i get this swaying feeling,no sweats,palpitations, just a woozy lightheaded feeling, then a fear of fainting, i try and stay in there, but eventually after a couple of minutes, i am heading back to my car, then the feeling gradually goes, this happens on every visit, been like it for 4 years, had blood tests all ok, struggling now to lead a normal life.

03-01-09, 18:23
Hi Mandy,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. Keep up the struggle and glad you are here!

Take care,


03-01-09, 18:35
It is probley something about being in places that causes this attack everytime. I have them but other symptons with those as well. Being around alot of things and people can trigger it, which i am sure you have figured it out..Hope u feel better!!!:blush:

03-01-09, 19:55
Hi Mandy and :welcome: to NMP
Pleased you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, support and informantion. Chat is a great place to make new friends

04-01-09, 02:00
it sounds like a phobia of some sort. i suffer from agoraphobia i get really anxious anytime I leave the house & am out in a public place w/lots of people.

04-01-09, 10:19
Hi Mandy

Welcome - you will find a lot of people who are experiencing the same as you on here and willing to share and help


04-01-09, 13:59
Hi Mandy

What you describe sounds more like acute anxiety rather than a panic attack. If you had a panic attack you would be in no doubt of the diagnosis.

The way forward is to face your fear, then accept that you will feel that way on entering the shop, The next point is vital do not fight the feelings but just say to yourself I will be fine and just try simple distraction, look at colours and patterns. In fact some people say float into the shop, anything other than fighting. It is the fighting that creates the adrenaline rush and the associated symptoms and sensations that you are experiencing. It will be hard but let time pass and try again. Recovery is going through and beyond the fear, never avoiding.

All the best

04-01-09, 14:10
Madmandy - my mum used to get the same thing, many times she would come home without the shopping (having left a half-full shopping trolley in the middle of an aisle...). Could be an agoraphobia type thing and/or general anxiety?

Ronski - I've been suffering from emetophobia for as long as I can remember, as well as crippling anxiety (which I think is caused, in a round about way, by the emet). Every day I force myself to do things that will 'set me off', but it never gets any easier. Only yesterday I drove 15 miles from home (my limit is usually less than 10) and was a complete wreck. Knowing and accepting that I will feel this way, then doing it anyway, hasn't helped me at all. I guess 'exposure' doesn't work for everyone :(

04-01-09, 16:24
Hi Angelai

Sorry to hear that with trying to continue normally with life you are having such huge problems. I think that the problem maybe is that as you say you force yourself, that to me is fighting against your anxiety. Maybe you should first try lowering your anxiety levels especially with regard to your fear of vomiting. Has your Doctor referred you to CBT to try and help resolve this debillitating condition. Usually when you try acceptance your anxiety levels lower because the stress is taken out of the situation. But like you I at times still fail when I dont practice what I preach so I do understand your frustration. As I said previously it is not easy but it does take practice, try the floating approach next time you are driving and see if that eases the tension.

All the best

04-01-09, 19:55
Dear all who have replied i am open to all tips, love the one about floating from ronski, i always seem to be floating and swayingxx

05-01-09, 17:00
Hi, firstly top Ron, do you read Clair Weekes? sounds like it, and what a great lady she was. As for the feelings when in a shop but better when out, you take your feelings and your mind to both places, you are no different when in a shop or out, the feelings are different and I would agree with Ron, do NOT run, but also facing in an aggresive fighting way is also no good, as Ron has said it is adrenalin that causes so many of the 'attacks' and if we run or fight it groes, it is a throw back to the cave man when we needed adrenalin so much, fight or run from the tiger, but now we do not need as much but as we have grown with technology etc our bodies still react in an older more cave man way, so if it helps I can only agree with Ron, it aint easy and it takes patience and time, but try, not too hard, but ry and float through the attack, as soon as it starts smile, you will nbe amazed at how 'liking it' can de fuse it, I know after 20 years of this and that, it works, good luck and as you will already have worked out, you aint alone and people that you have never met care, and that is AWESOME

05-01-09, 17:14
hi again, just one other thing Mandy, change your user name cos you AINT MAD, and it does you no good to think you are, you, like all of us here and MILLIONS on the planet suffering sometimes in different ways and sometimes in silence are NOT mad in any way shape or form, we are, in my opinion in the majority, the people here though are brave enough, as you are and care enough to share and help if at all possible so ig caring and sharing is mad, then we all are, you anot mad girl you are normal and you will be amazed here on this site and elsewhere just how normal we all are, so come on be Mandy the caring sharing lovely person you are .

07-01-09, 09:36
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx