View Full Version : worry over life

03-01-09, 18:55
does anyone else worry over "how will i cope int he future?" what will happen to me?
iv suffered anxeity for 5 yrs and cant get these thoughts out of my head- what if my anxiety gets so bad i cannot cope


03-01-09, 22:11
I get those sort of thoughts all the time - about the future - what if this happens how would i cope, what is that happens how will i cope. You have to try to stay positve and think what if it doesnt happen and if it does you do cope, you have too. I hate these thoughts they make me more anxious. I think it is a symptom of anxiety to think like this because we are anxious for a reason we do not know, our brain trys too hard to find some reason for it. And then the thoughts make us more anxious and make us feel out of control. (i think thats what happens with me anyway). It a vicious circle.

Sorry im not much help but i think i know what you mean and get it too.

All the best xx

04-01-09, 14:36
I used to think like this. But we should be careful about falling into the trap of thinking that things will only get worse. This can become a self-fulfilling prophecy!

A couple of years ago I felt like my anxiety/panic was slowly getting worse and worse, and I struggled to imagine a time when I would be without it!

But you know, anxiety is a two -way road, and we can get better! I now feel better than I could possibly imagine a few years ago, and whilst not completely "cured" I feel that each year I have less problems with panic, and learn more about how to cope with it.

So don't worry about the future it can see a lot of positive change happening!

04-01-09, 21:30
Meltdown is right. I went through a tough phase recently and i thought about the future a lil bit and it just makes it worse- what got me through it was thinking about the first time it happened and how i came out of that and it made me realise i'd come out of it this time too! Positive thinking works wonders!
take care :)