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View Full Version : thought diaries

03-01-09, 19:23
not sure if this is in right section, but my phychologist asked if i kept a diary which id didn't but since 1st jan ive been writing things down
just wondered if anyone else kept a diary and what kind of things should i be noting down in it, what happens if you feel anxious and don't ven know why?

03-01-09, 19:30

It's a good idea, i kept one a few years back when i first started getting panics and now when i read it, it shows me how far i have come.

Maybe write down, how you feel, what you did today and how it made you feel.

I'm about to start one this year again. Cut out pics you see in mags that you like, it really helps me to put my thoughts into perspective.

Good luck. x

03-01-09, 19:31
thanks :) i'll do that

03-01-09, 20:02
I keep thought diaries too and I would recommend it to everyone. One of the things I used to find it great for was when I had problematic systems and I could see from looking back that I'd had them before and they went which eases the mind. I also saw on occassion that some recurring symptoms were a result of the same circumstances.

All the best


eternally optimistic
03-01-09, 21:06

I did an exercise like this in CBT last year.

Its a good way of analysing how you felt, what freaked you and how you dealt with it. Its a good start to retraining the mind to how you respond.

Good luck and Im sure you'll see lots of positive things from it.

Eva May
05-01-09, 11:59
I do this and have done for the last few years. I take it in then every month to my therapist because otherwise I wouldn't remember what I wanted to talk to her about. I think it's a good idea, helps you to vent any frustrations at that moment if you need to and it's always good to write about your good days and any successes you've had.

05-01-09, 14:26
I have kept thought diaries in the past
I found it helpful to rate my anxiety on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 bring totally anxious.
Good luck

05-01-09, 15:01
I dont and havent but I think I will start, as I have been thinking about it. Although, my anxiety is really high at the moment so maybe not a good time to start. I dont know?

05-01-09, 22:48
I did and I need to start it again.
Initially I used to have a alittle chart for each day, it said morning, afternoon, evening and if I had a good morning I would put a tick, if I was having abad evening then I'd put a cross and then at the end of each week I'd add up the ticks and crosses and see if I was improving.

I also wrote down symptoms. Wrote down what I'd been doing, wrote down funny things my toddler did. It was very good to look back at.