View Full Version : Not Well

Hope 2
03-01-09, 20:55
Just want to get some stuff off my chest.
I know no one can help so don't worry.

I am in a terrible place.
It's dark and so hostile.
I am scared out of my mind many times a day.
It makes me fold in half.
The ocd is worsening.
I look in the mirror and I feel physically sick.

I know something bad is about to happen.
I am horrible to my child and other half.
Red mist keeps descending and I have to smother it down.

What the hell is happening. Maybe it's no meds/stress/misery.

Hoping for a better day for all who need one.


eternally optimistic
03-01-09, 21:29
Hi Julia

Im sorry to hear your not feeling so good.

Im sure nothing bad is about to happen, you sound like your really low and that makes you feel like that.

Im sometimes horrible to the nearest and dearest but its OK, Im sure they understand. Its probably not as bad as you think.

Have you thought about going to see your GP or seeking some sort of help.

Good luck and keep your chin up.

03-01-09, 21:33
jules im gonna email u xx

Hope 2
07-01-09, 14:15
Thank You to those who showed me care/support and for being genuine.


07-01-09, 15:32
Hi Julia,

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling too great at the moment, sounds like you are not only anxious but depressed too.

Please go to see your GP as soon as possible, I am sure he will be able to give you the advice and reassurance that you obviously need so badly at the moment.

Thinking of you xxx

Hope 2
08-01-09, 16:02

I am having counselling at the mo, via a charity.
I have had CBT sessions 3 seperate times from the nhs.
The underlying issues were still there though, but I was refused psychiatric help by the MHT.
This is why I found help elsewhere.
But I don't know if I can keep it up anymore.

Thank You for your care