View Full Version : Does it ever truely end?

03-01-09, 21:32
Ok, so today i woke up at 7:30 a.m. and my heart was beating so fast i couldnt even stay up with it when i was taking my pulse...of course I freaked out. I was prescribed Sertaline yesterday and took my first dose last night...I am not sure if this was the cause of the high pulse rate or not. So i looked it up on the web and it is a side effect and it says if you get this to tell your doctor immediatly. So I also took a tramadol for the myalgia pain I have been having and it said that tramadol and sertaline should not be taken together so i really freaked out then...it said that it can causes seizures rapid heart beat and even death....but atleast i took the tramadol 2 days ago and none yesterday and then last night i took the sertaline...so now I have no idea what I am going to do but I am so sick of this!

Now I am scared I am going to have a seizure or die, or the zoloft gave me really bad heart palps....

can anyone relate on this i am so scared right now...and i am thinking of not taking the sertaline or tramadol ever again!
