View Full Version : collar bone, neck lump, please help.

03-01-09, 21:50
Hi All

I am sitting here freaking out. I have had, for some time now a soft, jelly type lump at the point where your collarbone joins at your throat but more in the "dent" of the throat on the chest, (sorry i not explaining this well). I think it is getting bigger and i am really worried about it. Does anyone else have this?

Please advise me what to do before i go completely mad.

Karen xx

03-01-09, 22:14
Dear Karen, anything soft and jellylike is very very unlikely to be anything bad. Malignant tumours don't feel like that at all! Soft and jellylike would suggest a cyst at most, whivh are almost without exception benign. Also, if you have had it for some time, that is another indication that it is nothing to worry about. Go and have your doctor check it out for reassurance, but until you can manage to get an appointment, I am so sure you can totally relax. Best wishes, Annie

03-01-09, 22:17
Thank you Annie but i am so worried, are thes normal does anyone else have them??

Thank you for replying xxxxx

04-01-09, 00:54
Yeah, anything soft and jelly-like would come as a relief to me. If it was a malignancy it would feel like a rock directly under your skin.

Don't worry! :)

I've had a couple cyst-like things in my lifetime. One was a cyst on my hand and it looked really ugly looking so I had it drawn out with a needle/syringe. More recently I developed a lipoma (benign fatty deposit) in my upper thigh. However, it ended up shrinking away within a week or two.

04-01-09, 03:04
Hi Daisy,

I had a lump similar to yours near the same area. I found it in August and naturally freaked out. It stayed there up until the last month, now it has disappeared. Don't be worried. It's probably just a swollen lymph node from an infection you might have had. I don't know why mine showed up and I don't know why it disappeared. I was told by my surgeon that 99% of all adults will have these swollen nodes so don't worry, you'll be fine.

04-01-09, 06:11

After prodding around my own neck in that area just now I found the same lump I think you are talking about. So it must just be a lymph node..I have it too. Mine isn't swollen but yours might be from touching it or a slight infection. Definately get it checked out if it doesn't go away but I think you are OK! :)

04-01-09, 11:57
Thankyou all so much, you have really put my mind at rest.

THANK YOU XXXXXXXXXXXX:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: