View Full Version : getting health anxiety diagnosed

03-01-09, 22:11
after a particularly horrible few days of anxiety attacks I am wanting to go to my doc and admit that I think I have health anxiety. I have been so often since July 2007 with different symptoms that are basically all associated with anxiety. Anyway deep down I know its all anxiety and want to speak to someone about it or get help. I havent told any friends or family and I'm so grateful to this website.

Anyway I'm looking for advice on how to approach the subject with my doctor. Basically when they say whats wrong, what do I say? Also can I ask for tests for other stuff. My big concern is MS. My aunt has had it for 30 ish years and so I've grown up knowing about it and all the symptoms. Should I mention this concern to the doc? Basically I've had really bad pins and needles and muscle spasms, dizziness etc and pretty much all other things listed on the symptoms page here. Deep down I'm sure its all anxiety but I still would like it investigated.

Any advice on appraoching the docs would be great. Thanks in advance.

03-01-09, 22:36
I hope you get on better than myself telling the Dr I was struggling with health worries.
Not sure what others have experienced but my Dr has not been understanding at all and I now feel almost trapped that from now on after "admitting" it, that I will never be taken seriously with any health problems. It is a shame as I am sure there are understanding Gp's out there and I hope you get on ok......I just said that I was struggling with worries about my health and that it was taking over my life-she seemed to know what I meant! But this did not help her understand and help me, unfortunatley.

03-01-09, 22:49
marjorie - why, what did she say? I haven't admitted it yet either and thus I don't get any anxiety treatment. I've been careful not to visit too often, I just went when I really went off the rails and just talked about my latest symptom with no mention of anxiety and not like a crazy person:blush: for fear that I won't be taken seriously. What exactly happened with you?

03-01-09, 23:01
Basically she said that I needed counselling, I should join a group for therapy and I should start some tablets.....she could not wait to get me out the room.
I called her a few days later to ask her some questions and she was very abrupt and un-interested.
Basically I personally regret saying anything...but do not let that stop you! I was just unfortunate.
I think about seeing one of the other GPs at the surgery but know (from working with gp's!) that they discuss patient's between themselves sometimes and that there will be notes on my records.
I am probably just feeling paranoid! ignore me!!:blush:
M x

05-01-09, 21:44
I have decided not to tell me doctor about my health worries as I just know he wont take me seriously. I have done quite well by myself and this website etc.Its all a state of mind and if you are aware of that then you are a step closer to being strong and dealing with the problem.

06-01-09, 14:17
thanks for the replies. I think I will hold off and see if i can get more control of it. To be honest I'd probably burst into tears if I went just now and I wouldnt want that.