View Full Version : has anyone tried

04-01-09, 02:40
ECT.. electroconvulsive therapy?? i have heard about quite a few people recently who had amazing results and just wondering if anyone had any stories??

04-01-09, 15:20
in the US it is outpatient you do two or three treatments in a week for a total of five to seven. each treatment takes about 10 minutes and i know two people in my postpartum (that is when i developed this horrible anxiety) group that were pretty much nonfunctional with anxiety and had it done. within two weeks they were back to themselves. it did not work for another one but it did not hurt her either.
i was just wondering if anyone here had actually had it done.. it sounds soo scary and with my luck i would forget way too much.

04-01-09, 22:35
I was almost made to have it whilst I was in a psychiatric hospial under a section. When you are sectioned they give you treatment if you consent or not. Fortuntley my Mum wouldn't sign the consent form, she said if I was going to get it it should be my decison. I have been hospilatised several times and have seen many people who have had ECT. For a lot of people it seems to work really well when medication doesn't help, but I have seen people who have had memory loss because of it.
Think it should be a personal decision and something people should think seriously before they have it.

05-01-09, 00:43
I have heard good and bad things personally although the closest ive seen it is in th movies and it scares me alot! I would try every medication available to me before i decided upon ect. But i think like medication the effect will vary person to person.

05-01-09, 03:46
I had the treatment given to me once and only once because I refused to have any more. My wife had alot of ect treatment given to her years ago. She now makes countless notes because she fears forgetting things, even to remind her that potatoes need 5 mins longer "while" they're already cooking.

Some say it helps, others not. I personally have alot of doubts about it especially after my experience and now seeing through films what they actually do to people. I'm now not surprised I felt so ill afterwards.

I honestly don't feel it helps with anxiety because anxiety is created by fear and things that frighten us which comes down to building confidence so that we no longer live in fear. I don't really see how ect can treat fear although perhaps it could be effective on true depression which shouldn't be confused with a depressed state being created by anxiety (our fear).

Personally, never again because I think there are far better safer less barbaric methods for treating anxiety.:hugs: