View Full Version : how long did you suffer from anxiety

04-01-09, 05:54
Just a question out of curiosity, for alll the people that are well on there way to recovery or have recovered anxiety i was wondering how long it you suffered for?? \i know you will alwasy suffer everyone has anxiety in life but how long for your anxiety disorder??

its been five months for me, and i had a month and a half of extreme sever anxiety like 24/7 couldnt stop it and the it died down to about a one, for almost 2 months and the last probably month or so its been climbing up and the past week it hit me like a brick but differently more thoughts about me dying, and this will never end, and why cant i be who i was its liek i never can see myself getting out of this but i know i can my head is jsut tellin gme crazy things

04-01-09, 13:50
i was wondering how long it you suffered for??

I had very servere anxiety for 18 months, all in all it was a total of two years. Having said that though I didn't get the right help until near the end of the two years. I still get moments, but only every few months and they liturally last for just moments.

04-01-09, 16:33
11 years this year and im only 28