View Full Version : need an answer

04-01-09, 06:09
hey guys i really want to know if this is common symptom of anxiety

so all the time i jsut have thoughts about myself dying annd that something horrible is going to happen to me liek all the rare diseases \I HAVE THEM

and i dont see myself recovering this before i die is this normal or no

its liek constant i am going to die today or liek ugh its annoying

04-01-09, 06:40
Hi Manda

So sorry you're feeling this way. Alot of us have these thoughts, but remember they are only thoughts, not true illnesses. Health anxiety is terrible to have, I suffer with it myself & think I'm going to die all the time.

You could recover from these thoughts either going to drs & ask to be seen by a cpn (don't know if you have them in Canada), or doing CBT. If neither you can try & train your thoughts in a positive way, because remember you didn't always think this way. We get into the habit of thinking like that, but just like we did, we can also change back with positive thinking.

CBT will teach you how to do that, I'm waiting to go myself, so I'm not sure how it works. But if you think about it realistically, the awful feelings we have in our bodies stem from the awful thoughts that we have, even if we don't think that we were actually having negative thoughts. Does that sound ridiculous? We have trained our minds somehow to think along these lines because we didn't as babies & children, so why now? Because we hear all the horror stories on the news, we learn that family members have died & we think we are next. BUT you can recover from this with help & a lot of learning. Take heart. Best of luck.

04-01-09, 06:46
i have been doing cbt for 4 months and i suffer from panic disorder have for 5 months now, i was almost recovered and relapsed all the sudden i know i am healthy the doctor did my blood and sent me for the heart test and it all came back normal......so tis jsut hit me with my relapse i know it will fade as my anxiety fades but there scary thoughts and images that pop in my head i jsut love my son so much its scary.... i hope tthis goes away soon but i know that obsessing about gettin better makes it worse, its a very very confusing cycle and hard toget out of hahahaha you would think wanting to get better would make it better but it does the opposite its so crazy and i never would wish this upon anyone ever