View Full Version : is this normal

04-01-09, 06:17
need to know if this is normal for anxiety like as a symptom

all day all i think is i am dying, i wont make it through the day something horrible is going to come and kill me, and then i think about hwat will i do with my son he is only two and i dont want him to lose me i want to wach him grow up, like every day its all day i am dying i am dying i will have a brain anuerysm and die is this normal its like i am waiting for it to come or something

04-01-09, 06:30
I think of this all day too, and no one can talk me out of it. I feel for you. Like you I worry about my son(s)... I am a single Mom. Do you take any meds or talk to anyone about this??


04-01-09, 06:35
Thank god i am not the only one.........i am doing cbt and have been for almost 4 months which it got relli good and now my anxiety is jsut coming back with thoughts of me dying and like images its pretty scary.......but i am giving it another month than i going on some meds cuz i cant live with it anymore its draining and to much i want to be healthy and hapoy for my son

04-01-09, 06:44
Good luck to you.

I just started taking Lexapro... and I am on xanax daily for the time being. I have been to the ER 4 times in the past three weeks. I feel for you, and all the people going through this.

I have all kinds of weird symptoms... muscle twitches, pains, just really odd stuff that makes no sense. I haven't even wanted to discuss it until now, because it gives me more anxiety to bring it up! What crazy things our minds can do with our bodies!

And all this stuff about dying... I hate that so much. It's a horrible way to exist. We need to get better for our kids. I think we will both be fine- it just takes time. I'm here if you need me.


04-01-09, 06:48
Thank you so much, its nice to know i am not the only one i never go tot he hospital beacuse deep down i know its anxiety and i never thought liekthis before its jsut weird how even sitting on the couch felt different how does lexapro work is it scary they want to give me ativan but i am scared of it

04-01-09, 06:57
I took Lexapro for depression a few years ago and liked it. So hopefully it will work well for severe anxiety/panic too. Who knows. I just knew I couldn't keep going to the ER! Ativan is like xanax, just longer lasting. I tried it in the ER and it really helped me out.

I'm the type of person who doesn't even like to take tylenol, but I have had to try different depression meds because I couldn't function. I think things like xanax and ativan are great for short term just to get you through the rough patches and help you relax your mind and body. It kind of breaks the cycle until you can recognize triggers and deal with the weird feelings that come with anxiety on your own.

I feel like by not taking meds (for me) I put myself through hell unnecessarily at times. You know? I know everyone is different. But maybe it would be beneficial for you to have some ativan or xanax on hand and just try a low dose when you feel that way. Just to see how it affects you. Just a suggestion.

Also do you get massages??

04-01-09, 07:01
I had ativan in the hospital almost 5 years ago and it was a super high dose and made me hallucinate not in a scary way i laughed but like tahts why i am scared of it, and yah i never take pills \LIKE NEVER there a phobia ahahah so i hope i can get over it and jsut try it, nad no i never get massages do they work

04-01-09, 07:08
so is it safe to say this is another glorious symptoms of anxiety???

04-01-09, 07:10
Oh I don't blame you for being scared of it! It's funny because xanax is kind of a phobia to me (and other pills), so I feel like I get more anxiety when I take it, until it starts working! Maybe if your experience with ativan was weird you could try xanax instead, so you don't get panic from taking it!

As for massages... Believe it or not that is what I do for a living. I am on a leave from work while I sort myself out. If you are high strung and have lots of stress I think it would do you a world of good, but only if you feel comfortable enough to deal with getting there. I definitely don't think it is good to have one while you are having the attack itself. But part of the problem is you need to find ways (just like I do) to release endorphins naturally, and limit the stress. Massage is wonderful for that.

04-01-09, 07:21
I am going to try and get some rest now... I will be on tomorrow... I truly wish you the best and a good night of sleep.
