View Full Version : Help! TMI alert

04-01-09, 11:43
Help! Am panicking +++++ . I have had probs with constipation and piles for a long time. My GP has checked this out and confirmed piles - has also done an internal and confirmed no masses etc (about 5 months ago).

For the past few days I have noticed that my poo has a reddish colour and looks bloodstained when I wipe - this is not the same as I get when I am constipated and my piles bleed - it's actually in the poo. I am freaking out here and have gone all hot.

I am terribly anxious now and feel like running away (to where I don't know and anyway I can't run away from myself). I am a bit loose and vary between constipation and loosish poo - my GP knows this and also knows of my anxiety.

My periods have also stopped (none for 10 months) my GP has pointed out my history of:

polycystic ovarian syndrome
nervous breakdown 11 months ago
my age (42).

But I am now thinking no periods due to anaemia due to a bleeding tumour (sounds far fetched I know but I am panicking). Just want to cry.

04-01-09, 11:50
Hi Amanda,

I cant help as to why this is happening. Best to check with your doctor, but it is nopt far fetched. This is all part of our health anxiety.

Im panicing at the moment as I can feel a clicking when I press my neck at the front.

Thats far fetched, but if you read all my posts on it, u'll think blimey, what is she on lol....

I really do understand where your coming from on the worry.

The only thing I can say is, I have had bleeding there on and off for 10 years plus, bright red on tissue. Ive got passed this one and not worried now. Also have PSOS, it is very possible for periods to stop with this or beocme very unreggular. What about the menopause, have you had a blood test for this?

Anxiety can stop the periods. All ups and downs.

Regarding blood in the stools, Im sorry I cant comment on this, but give your doctor a call and see him. Or even NHS direct, they may help with your anxiety on this and give some reassurance.

Good luck xx

04-01-09, 11:52
Hi Amanda

From what i know about piles the blood is normal, but go back to the doctors just to reassure you if nothing else.

Polycystic ovaries will cause your periods to stop anyway, which i am sure you are aware off already.

Please try not to panic hun, i am sure others will be able to relay your fears too.

Sending you hugs.

Karen :flowers:

04-01-09, 15:50
Thanks Daisy - am trying to be level headed and after the initial panic am now more calm. Am recalling two things about yesterday 1. Spaghetti Bolognese with lots of tomato puree plus canned tomatos in tomato juice. 2. Beetroot crisps so am sure there are colourings in there somewhere.

Taking comfort from my colour laden food at the moment and assuming it's that and nothing else. Will see my doctor though as I need to review my Venlafaxine anyway.

Thank you

04-01-09, 16:14

Sounds like you have hit the nail on the head, with the food.

Try not to worry.


04-01-09, 16:14
Just thought, think how beetroot stains your fingers lol....

04-01-09, 16:20
Just thought, think how beetroot stains your fingers lol....

Is this the point where I :blush: at my panicking post?

Thank you all so much - as ever this forum is superb. I rave about it at work (am a health visitor) when I get Mums who have anxiety and depression problems - all find it useful. I don't tell them I am a bit of a lurker and a regular from years of anxiety and depression.

04-01-09, 19:20
Hey Amanda,

Don't worry, my mum had a tumour of the bowel and she eventually got blood through her stools, this was really dark blood and it had a kind of marbled effect ( sorry if thts tmi but i just want to reassure you).
Still go to your doctors because its always better to get checked out plus it gives you peace of mind. Let us know how you get on xx