View Full Version : Hi I'm Mark

04-01-09, 13:25
Hi, I'm Mark. Been feeling a bit 'funny' or 'not myself' for about 5 years but I just assumed that was part of life (I'm 33 by the way). I couldn't catch my breath about 5 yeas ago but nipped it in the but very quickly with some breathing exercises; never had any other physical symptoms with it.

Now over the last 4 weeks, I got my breath problem back again, thought nothing of it until 1 week ago. Woke up at 3 am and couldnt breath properly, went to hospital to get checked out but nothing physically wrong with me. Since then I've developed a lot of physical symptoms associated with anxiety/depression, i.e. loss of appetite, tight chest, gloomy-depressing thoughts etc. Been prescribed amitryptyline to try and get a good nights rest and diazapam, but I'm scared to take diazapam as it seems a very short solution and is addictive. Back to the doc's next week to look at this problem properly - Funny thing is that I've never had trouble going to sleep naturally, which I've always counted as a blessing as I've heard lost of stories about people that have trouble sleeping for all sorts or reasons, and I was always so grateful that I never had that.

Now all of a sudden I dread going to sleep and have to take a stupid pill to calm me down. Guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel disappointed that I have got this problem and watch my friends and ex g/f just get on with their lives whlie I'm now stuck in limbo until my problem gets sorted out which is an unknown like a simple cold, you know you will feel poorly for a week or two, then back to normal - Not with this but guess you all know this already

04-01-09, 13:50
Hi Tetley thanks for the reply - I had a look at the chatroom which is how I found this site and thought how ironic it was that you have to wait 5 days to be able to chat, especially in a panic and anxiety website :)

04-01-09, 13:51
Hi Mark

Sound as though you are suffering from a breathing disorder. the condition that causes major anxiety and a whole host of different system sensations is Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome. Doctors recognise the acute variety very easily but the Chronic is particularily very hard to diagnose, but is responsible mostly for the panic attacks that people have. Have a look at the website Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome: A diagnosis begging for recognition. The clue is that breathing exercises helped you before. Dinah Bradburys book Hyperventilation syndrome is very good and gives you the breathing exercises required to help control the symptoms.

All the best

04-01-09, 14:02
Hi Ronski, I stumbled across that the other day, and I thought the same thing as you. It seems that anxiety feeds HVS and HVS feeds off anxiety, therefore creating a loop. When I first had this breathing problem 5 years ago, I had no other symptoms like I do now, including the no-sleep one, therefore it never have crossed my mind that something was really up. All I had to do what follow the exercises and within a matter of weeks it had cleared. Unfortunatley over the last year I had now got bad sunises which even when clear, make breathin through my nose tricky, which is the main exercise in reducing this breathing problem

04-01-09, 16:03
Hi Mark and :welcome: to NMP

Taking a small dose of diazepam won't hurt you and you will not get addicted to if you take it for a short time. Maybe you doctor wants you to take it untill your antidepressent gets into your system.

I am sure you will like it here, there is so much support, information and advice. Chat is a great place to meet new friends. xxx

04-01-09, 16:21
Hi sunshine, thats what I was thinking however I went to the 1st doc on monday whoprescribd me day and night doses of diazepam, then went to see another doc the next day as I was still in a state and he prescribed me the amitrip to be taken 12 hours before I want to wake up. I forgot to ask him about whether I should hold off the diazepam but I forgot so to be on the safe side I've not taken any, just the amitrip. Have to go back on Wed to get this sorted out.

Just got back from the gym which was a real chore, just about managed to do 1/2 of a normal workout, but noticed that even my warm up on a Xtrainer, my heart rate is about 20-30 bpm compared to just 3 weeks ago, I assume this is due the the extra work my heart has to do to satisfy the extra load I'm putting on my body whilst having this breathing issue?

07-01-09, 09:45
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx