View Full Version : Returning to work after xmas.

04-01-09, 15:23
I've been off work for the xmas holidays and spent alot of time in the house. I've started to feel edgy when I leave the house (Dizzy,Pain in my arm and Chest) but I have refused to turn back because I work full time and I have no option to return to work tomorrow. I did'nt feel like this before the holidays. This sympton really scares me. Just before christmas I had the vomiting bug and then a virus on top of that so when I broke up for the christmas holidays I decided to spend this christmas resting instead of running around from party to party and visting family and freinds so I have spent most of the holiday in my pyjamas just relaxing with my husband and kids. I'm starting to think this was'nt a good idea because on the occassions I have left the house I've got into a panic and this never happened before the holidays. I've been to the shops several times in the last few days just to see what happens to me!. and it starts as soon as I get into the car, Yesterday we went to B&Q I thought I was going to faint but I kept walking and talking to my husband and somehow I got through it but the relief I felt when I got back in the house was immense. I'm so dreading going back to work tomorrow. I'm am so affraid this could be the start of Agraphobia. Please tell me I am doing the right thing!
I started CBT just before christmas for panic attacks but I did'nt have this problem then so it was'nt discussed.:weep:

04-01-09, 16:31
I think you have the beginnings of agoraphobia but don't let it worry you unduly - it is just a symptom of anxiety. Like you I have been in and around the house over the vacation period, not wanting to wear myself out tearing about, and just to have a good rest. I find that periods of inactivity and deviation from a normal work/home routine affect me in the same way and I do not believe that ultimately this is good for us. It encourages us to retreat from the world and that in it which induces anxiety. I've been aching and experiencing physical pains merely from lounging about and am actually relieved to be going back to work and distraction from my own thoughts.Just be reassured that your sense of anxiety and the physical symptoms you are experiencing are for the most part psychosomatic. As soon as you get back into your normal routine I am sure you will feel better.

Work in the outside world is the best therapy for people like us and I can speak from several years of experience. Keep up with the CBT and be optimistic.

And lets hope that we all of us have a better New Year.

04-01-09, 19:59
Thank you for your reply, despite having had panic attacks for the last four years I do toddle off to work everyday and just get on with it. Everyone in the office knows I have anxiety and I've always felt safe but this is freaking me out. Big Time. Fearing the outside is the most horrible symptom I've ever had.

I will go to work tomorrow and I will tell everyone how I feel and you're right I have lots to do and it will help me to get back into the routine.
Thank you for your help.:flowers: