View Full Version : Constant Ectopics Grrrrrr!!!

04-01-09, 15:34
Well I'm getting really fed up now folks!!!

Have had these ectopics constantly now for days no matter what I am doing and it is getting on my nerves so much. I am so aware of them and can't get my focus away from them GRRRR!!!!

Was awake nearly all last night checking for them only slept 2 hours. ( I know this doesn't help but it still freaks me out so much when it happens all the time and I become so frustrated)
I am sometimes getting as many as 4 or 5 a minute and then it goes to only 1 every few minutes then none for a while then when I lie down and try to relax they go back up again.

Like I said in my other post I have had so many 24hr monitors and trips to A+E etc that I know they are benign but I can't just ignore them.

Does anyone else get these as frequently as 5 per minute and if so how do you cope??

I have had these for so many years and I try so hard to ignore them cos I suppose I know inside I will be fine when they eventually reduce cos I always am.
They never ever seem to go away tho.

Sorry if this is a boring repeat thread, I am just so frustrated and I suppose if I am being honest a little worried.

04-01-09, 16:18
You poor thing. I know how you feel. :hugs:

I have had these horrid ectopics now for 18 months and they still dont get any easier to deal with! :lac:

You really must try and stop checking for them. I know its hard because sometimes you dont feel like you can relax unless you are on guard and waiting for them to happen. The thing is, the more you are aware of them then the more they will happen. It took me such a long time to come to accept them and to treat them as just an annoying thing that my body does (a bit like sneezing or hiccups)

I found them most difficult to deal with at night. I think this is because you have nothing to distract yourself from them.

There is nothing seriously wrong with you - you have had tests and you are as fit as a fiddle. So take comfort from this and just accept that this is something your heart does. It doesnt mean that your heart will pack up - it is still doing its job just as well as anybody elses heart.:yesyes:

I still get a bit freaked out by them and sometimes I feel so fed up with them but I have to try and just get on with things and everytime they happen now I just say to myself 'thats my heart beating and keeping me alive' sounds silly but it does help!

Hope I have been some help to you.:D

Take care and keep us updated.

Vicki x

04-01-09, 21:05
I know this only too well, I get this all the time and it scares the hell outta me. I've got to have a moniter fitted for a day soon and I am so worried that it will show up something that I am getting more and more funny beats, it's got so I am almost scared to move, I shall be glad when it's all over.
I know just how you feel, it is so scary to think that you are gonna drop dead at any minute, but since I have been on this site I am amazed at how common it seems to be.
I too have had these for a few years now but that doesn't seem to help in the middle of the night does it?
I don't know what the answer is, but I just wish it would go away and leave me in peace, I hope this helps - at least you know you are not alone.
Take care,

05-01-09, 08:52
How are you now?
I get them all the time as well - I can cope with them unless they come one after another ie 3 or 4 together and then I really panic!!
It doesnt help much but you get them more when you relax apparantly and also when you lie on your left hand side!???
Hope they have gone today


05-01-09, 15:05
I am 47 yrs old and have had them since I was in mid 20's. I have had some really bad years where I seemed to have them all the time for months on end and I was panic stricken for literatlly years.

At their worst I can get every 3rd beat is an ectopic which is much more often that you are getting them and this can go on for weeks on end!!!

I too have had 24 moniter on every 3-4 years plus echo of heart etc and always told they are there but they are harmless just horrible.

Try eating more potassium containing foods - it has helped with me. I also sometimes feel quite faint for a few seconds after the hard thump in chest. I also get what feels like intense fluttery feeling in chest and a cough is needed to stop it.

Always remember - they are truly horrible but harmless.