View Full Version : Is 42 too old for chat!

04-01-09, 16:25
I'm new here, just joined in December. I've looked in the chat room a couple of times and chattered to a few people who I must say are really lovely people but without wanting to offend anyone and believe me i'm not ( I have two teenagers of my own, 14 nieces and nephews) but having said that I'm 42, and have never done this kind of thing before and i'm finding it difficult to keep up with all the text talk! Do many people my age go into the chat room. I'm not in anyway saying that I do'nt value a young person help or advice because I do, and I'm wishing I had'nt even asked the question but I just thought I would ask.:)

04-01-09, 16:57

Yeah it can get VERY busy in the chat room and it can be very daunting for new members. however, you will be surprised how quickly tou get used to it. I'm 36 and i use chat quite regularly and there are alot of people older than me who use it too.

Please don't be put off as it can be a brilliant place to chat.


04-01-09, 17:28

Im 40 this year. ( ouch was going to say next, but realised im there lol)

I have been into chat a few times, it is very daunting and I find it hard to keep up, or feel im interupting other peoples conversations. I should use it a bit more I guess, as it is a good place for conversation and laughter

04-01-09, 17:35
I'm forty seven and I dont use the chat room. That is only because I dont really have the time! Dont be daunted if you want to use it I might join you.

04-01-09, 18:03
<I'm 42....

As far as dealing with lots of youngsters is concerned... If they can't keep up it's not my fault!!!!!!


04-01-09, 18:04
very good Notator lol

04-01-09, 18:26
Hi Kath,

Of course you are not too old for chat! I am 43 and know of people who are quite abit older than me who use chat often.

I know at times can be very busy and hectic, but there are other times when there are only a few people in there.

Hope to see you there soon xxx

04-01-09, 18:36
Your never too old hun. Im 50 and i regularly go into chat mainly because it takes my mind off things, and you often have a good laugh...nothing better when your down.
Hope to see you in there:)

Granny Primark
04-01-09, 19:47
:winks: Im 83 and love to go in chat:winks:
I put the young whippers snappers who go in there to shame :D
Sometimes however I do have to ask them to type in slow motion.
But il tell you one thing once ive got me clean teeth in and me zimmer frames polished theres no stopping me.
(me real age is 23 realy I just pretend to be old)

No seriously its good to go in chat at any age.
You will get loads of help, support and understanding in there.
Even get a good laugh.
(if me care assistant hasnt put me into bed at 7pm il see you in there:D )

05-01-09, 04:02
i'm finding it difficult to keep up with all the text talk!

I'm 47 next month and I had the same trouble as you so I stopped going there! I feel too old for it and I prefer one-to-one conversations anyway!....much easier but then they say blokes can only concentrate on one task at a time!!!

Eye p3fur pr4pore ingleesh 2 t:Dt sum1 ov mie aige doessn't kneed 2 transl8! 'ave enuv trubal beneathsitting guud ol' cocknee slange guv!:hugs:

05-01-09, 04:37
im sorry sorry if you find chat a daunting place but i am 27, i guess i prob one of the ones who use txt talk without even knowin i do. i am sorry sorry for do that i really dont mean too n sorry sorry if i have offended you in anyway
feel free to drop in chat anytime i am there if ya want to talk
but chat helps me heaps


05-01-09, 05:01
come on in and chat

its free friendly and no matter what age you are its good fun

everyone is valued

05-01-09, 05:37
I am 41 and don't mind the chat too much, but usually I like to focus on an issue so I find the forums better for me.

05-01-09, 07:34

im 44 and i use the chat room everyday, i prefer it in the mornings and a few of us ranging in age have now nicknamed it the "brekkie club". If you wish to use the chat a nightime, you can always use the private message and speak to someone one on one, i agree the text does move faster at nightime.

The chat room i have found a valuable source of support , and a few members i have now made firm friends with.

give it a try im sure you will benefit from it.

take care

05-01-09, 12:57
No 42 certainly isn't too old for chat - I'm 65 - but like you I'm put off by this awful 'text talk' - I can't stand it, there's nothing clever about it. It only adds to my feeling of alienation, so I stay out of the 'chat rooms' and beginning to avoid the Forums as well, because it seems hardly anybody can write or speak or spell properly anymore. Sorry for the rant, but it drives me insane - and I can't afford to go any further in that direction!.....................

05-01-09, 13:28
I get confused in the chat room because I dont know how to join in a conversation that has been going on for a while! I hardly ever use chat rooms i tried once and gave up and left :)

I am 25 does this make me old for my age? I hope not I already got antiwrinkle cream for christmas off my gran much to my disgust,


05-01-09, 13:52
http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a207/orwall/hand.gif and a warm http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a207/orwall/welcome1.gif to NMP and chat.

I've been coming here since 2004/5 and we have all ages in chat, honestly its not aimed for young folk or old, just everyone being equal with one thing in common, this site (ie. anx, medications, depression, ocd, etc etc). We sometimes have a laff, we give support and have quizzes and people come when having attacks and no one to turn to.

My experience is we try to see to everyones needs and I know the abbrieviations get confusing, please just ask!!!!! we love questions, no one laffs at u just want to help.

So that leaves you in one place, a memeber and hopefully one who will pop in and meet the breakie club plus the manic evening crowd and saturday night quiz night too.

Just come in and chat or come in and listen the choice is yours.
hope to meet ya soon love

05-01-09, 13:59
You'll find lots of people of different ages I'm sure:hugs:I'm 22 but I don't really go into chat rooms as I find them daunting and I'm not great at talking to lots of different people at once lol but maybe I'll give it a go sometime:Dxx