View Full Version : Did your mum ever say? or make you take?.....

04-01-09, 20:17
I was just sitting thinking earlier about when i was little and the things my mum used to make us take...and wear and i couldnt help but laugh....

Every night she gave me...my 2 sisters and my little brother a tablespoon of pure malt extract (thick brown treacley stuff)....and a teaspoon of cod liver oil ewww :wacko: and she had a chart on the back of the cupboard door where we got a star if we took them without hassle...needless to say i rarely got a star because the stuff was so vile i would only take under protest:lac:
She crocheted/knitted us these wooly hats that were all loops!! with a pom pom on top and buttoned under the chin:blush:
Right up too grammer school (16 yrs old) she made me and my sisters wear liberty bodices! they were fleece lined vests buttoned up the front...but it was so embarrassing though when you were getting changed for netball/sports in front of the other girls and they were wearing nice underwear:blush:
Had to wear a garbadine coat and wellies in the winter when the other girls wore trendy knee boots and modern coats etc ...and had to carry a briefcase too...oh the pure embarrassment.

She said things like...
"Will you keep your mouth shut when I am talking to you..do you understand..well answer me"?"
If you want to kill each other, do it outside. Ive just done the floor?
"If you fall off that wall and break your neck, dont come running to me?
"Make sure you have clean underwear, in case you get knocked over later."?
"If you dont stop crying.. I'll give you something to cry about."?
"Shut your mouth and eat your tea."?
Just look at the dirt on the back of your neck!"?
"If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!"?
"If you fall and break your leg, don't come running to me?
"I'll put that smile on the other side of your face"?

Does anyone else have a mum like mine?

04-01-09, 20:22
lol.... that is so true. Plus if I think about it aswell, I do the same to my kids now WHOOPS.....

04-01-09, 20:25
Lol...me too ive said the same things to my son and then thought omg i sound just like my mother :blush:

04-01-09, 20:30
lol, I can think of more...

Dont stand on the furniture or chairs and then ask them to go get me a chair, so I can get something from the cupboard.

Telling them not to let me hear them swear, when I'm in the same sentence saying don't *loody swear. Well words to that effect lol...

"Stop shouting", as I am screaming and shouting at them, to not shout.


04-01-09, 21:02
The one that sticks out in my head is......." do you know there are starving children in africa...get that eaten"

04-01-09, 21:14
LMAO Leslya,

I think we must have the same mother!
I remember the home knitted loop hats, omg how embarassing were they? My Mum used to also knit us tank tops out of left over wool, they had loads of different coloured stripes!

The most embarassing thing I can remember was my Mum buying me a bloody awful dress from a charity shop, even though I protested see made me wear it. When I went to school I found out that it had been donated to charity by an older girls mother!!!! Boy did I get the p**s taken out of me something rotten

04-01-09, 21:24
Oh noooooooo Di how embarassing that mustve been...omg.

Pooh i often got that one too...."theres plenty of kids that would love to eat that?? and i used to think to myself well go give it to them cos i sure dont want it lol.

lol Emma

The Fool
04-01-09, 21:24
my mum is still weird about stuff.she yells at us for the strangest things like she argued with my sister for 10 mins over whether she wanted custard on her pudding or not? when shes cleans stuff she will stop halfway through and say"i cant be botherd top do the rest" or "it will do" but if i say that whilst cleaning my room i get told not to be lazy. ....mums are just odd..

04-01-09, 21:52
lol teen the normal behaviour of almost every parent ( and I am one myself) is ...do as I say not as I do.... we forget that the best example is to lead by example lmao. Very often children reflect the parents behaviours and the parents dont even relaise it which makes it even funnier really lol

04-01-09, 22:30
Agree with that pooh...it spooks me to think that i'll end up like my mother, in fact i try to make a concious effort not to be the same as id hate my son to be tutting under his breath at me like i do at my mum...lmao

Teen when your a mum you will probably find yourself mimicking your mum too...lol

05-01-09, 13:59
Because I said so.
You will sit there all day until you eat your cabbage. And I did
Aged 14 years old made to wear a gaberdine mac and tuff shoes.
If you didn't eat all the biscuits at night you would not be so fat
Don't forget you scarf and gloves.
Ask your dad knowing full well that he would said what did your mum say
