View Full Version : Panic stricken mad man

05-01-09, 00:34
Hello everyone.
As I am posting here the most probable reason for it is that I have had with my panic attacks and need to do something about them. I was once more committed to the hospital. In fact took a cab after a 15 minutes run to maintain my physical and mental health (another attempt to avoid the attacks), instead I got another attack, which this time felt like the last attack of my lifetime. What I did was trying to scream for help but subconsciously I knew I was not serious enough. I had a short rest and after a while with my hand put on my chest I managed to the nearest taxi rank. It was a 10 minute walk which seemed endless. My chest tightened even more and the heart rate increased. I got even more scared, wanted to escape it but couldn't. I noticed that the road was inclined and that made it more difficult for me to walk; my heart couldn't take it. Small phisical exertion and it pounds and struggles. Attack or panic, panic or attack. I finally got to the taxi rank and asked the driver to take me to the Manchester Infirmary. When i got there I was still very anxious however, I felt better because of the help I was about to get. Did I get any? Not much. I explained my state, got the heart trace examination, which was alright and was told to see my GP. I was still really concerned about the sensation in my chest. It felt like a hand clenched on the heart muscle, squeezing it. It is unbearable. This is my predominant symptom which happens 3 times a week these days. I go to bed with chest pains even and often wake up with them. I noticed that i am not keen on socializing and seeing people about professional matters, going to various offices drains me completely out of energy that I lack these days. I still feel pretty relaxed and comfortable with my close friends and relatives but public and shops, not mentioning occasional chats with strangers in the streets freak me out. I almost begged the doc to keep me on observation, I implored to give me some sedatives, but all I heard was that they couldn't help me. The matter is to be resolved through my GP and specialis clincs. I was just happy to get diazepam. The relief didn't last for long as on the way home I got another chest pain and palpitaions ,but as diazepam kicked in it all subsided. Guys help me. I have a job interview in a couple of days and all I imagine is me not being able to talk, even face the interviewers I am afraid of another panic attack. Is there medication for it? How to deal with it all. I can't afford to get them attacks in work places. Help please.


panicking MIchal

05-01-09, 10:56
Hi Mishto79, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I am sorry to hear that you are going through such a difficult time at the moment. I used to get chest pains a lot with anxiety. I found that the more I kept telling myself that it was anxiety & not to worry about them they came less often. I also have social anxiety and I can totally relate to what you say about your fear of going to the job interview. I need to get a job but I haven't applied for anything yet. I have exactly the same fears as you have about going to a job interview.

Well done on applying for the job & getting the interview!!! :yesyes:

I think that the best way to think about it is that most people get anxious in job interviews. I hope it goes well for you. :yesyes:

Wishing you all the best :hugs:

05-01-09, 14:18
Hi and :welcome: to NMP.
Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time at the moment, but well done on getting as far as having an interview - that in itself is an achivement.
I am sure you will like it here as the is so much information, support and help. Chat is a great place to make new friends xxxx

05-01-09, 16:51
Oh Man do I know how you feel, oh yes what you have described, apart from wanting the drugs could have been written by me, TRUST yourself, look back, you did it, you did survive you did get home you did run and you are here, I am no Doctor and would never suggest I have all the answers or even one of them, but I do know that what you have described, I have had, it isnt easy to expain and I bet even after writing about the experience you thought you didnt have the words to really tell it how it is, I know that feeling, and so do many many others, you can and will do the interview, it will happen, you will look back and say, " hey I did that" and life will continue, it is a bugger but it will pass, I honestly feel for you because it is SO damn real, the feelings the fear, all so eal, what else could it be surely your head cannot make all tose feelings can it? YES it can and the more you fight it the more ammo you give it, let it run its course, if you cam, easier said than done I know and I am not taking this lightly, and I AM NOT saying pyull yourself togeyjer cos' if you could, as I would, we all would. No my advice, for what the hell it is worth, is do not feel alone, do not run in fear or face it in anger, adrenalin is at work and running and fighting feed it, let it alone, as best you can. like an irratible person if you ingnore them they usually go away, argue with them they argue back, run and they run after you, ignore them as you can with the 'feelings' and they have no powerr over you, a sufferer of over 20 years here, still ticking stioll breathing and occasionally still looking for support, but it gets better, and it will with you, ignore the feelings, go to the interview and laugh afterwrads, it helps.

05-01-09, 17:01
Hey there and wise words above

welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

05-01-09, 17:31
Hi Michael,

I am so sorry to hear of your panic attacks and can empathise with the way that certain members of the NHS can dismiss mental anguish. My advice is to see as many different NHS professionals as you can until someone recognises your symptoms and treats you for it and refers you to a specialist. I’m really sorry there is no quick fix for your current situation to ease these attacks in time for your interview. Diazepam will help so much though if you still have some left.

Would you want to explain more what triggers the attacks? Have you always been slightly withdrawn from your family and colleagues or is this a new occurrence? Have you been treated for depression? Has there been some big event in your life that has changed things for you recently? You could ask these questions to yourself. It may help figure how your feeling.

Perhaps if you could understand the root of the attacks you could learn to make sense of why they happen. I know you must feel like you are dying when they happen but your mind is trying to tell you something that you must unravel and understand.

I have had Social Phobia all of my life I have been treated for Depression for over 10 years and am currently taking Diazepam to control my anxiety due to a major situation that has happened to me.

My Dad had a Panic Attacks due to work pressure, he had bottled everything up and I found him in the street once thinking he was having a heart attack and I called an ambulance and took him to hospital, we then found out he was suffering from stress but he was hiding it though drink and just generally being out all the time.

His employers were really supportive and there were reasons as to what had triggered him feeling so ill. The mind will manifest physical symptoms to tell you it is not well and that is what yours is doing.

Please go and find a sympathetic doctor there are many that will understand and help.

As far as the interview goes you are going to have to put your bravest face on and act like employee they want to hire for the time your in there. You can do it!

How are you feeling at the moment?

07-01-09, 09:35
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx