View Full Version : Night times are the worst!!!

05-01-09, 05:44
Why is it that I would rather stay up all night and feel more relaxed if I could sleep all day? Why is anxiety and panic way worse at night? I dread going to bed.

05-01-09, 08:22
I dont know why they are the worst, but i feel really bad aswell when i am about to go to bed.

In the mornings i can have bad anxiety too.

Eva May
05-01-09, 11:31
My anxiety is at its worst at night time, especially when it gets dark. I stay up as late as possible so that I'm getting closer to my safe time which is about 3 am. It's weird, as soon as morning comes I just snap right out of it. :shrug:

05-01-09, 13:38
I'm the other way around. My anxiety hits me as soon as I open my eyes As the day goes by it gets better. I love it when it is bedtime as I can curl up in my bed with a book in peace and quiet.


05-01-09, 14:09
:hugs: well my theory on it is that theres nothing to distract us at night - all asleep and everything quiet just makes anxiety 'feel' worse. i have had the bouts where ive been sleepless until it gets nearer to morning and ive had bouts where im so exhausted by the anxiety of the day that im like sheena and i just love going to sleep to shut off - diazepam can be prescribed for night time anxiety and i find the sleeping tablet zoplicone (zimovane)very helpful in times of crisis, but is very addictive so be warned you may only be given small amounts and you would have to try not to become dependant, although personally what difference does it make if you do? id rather be addicted to sleepers than be in mental anguish - however gps do not agree:lac: :winks: