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View Full Version : Cipralex/Lexapro is not working anymore...

05-01-09, 05:52
Here in the US it is called Lexapro, but Cipralex is the same thing.... It seems as if in the last month or month and a half my Lexapro is not working for me. I am finding myself more depressed and also more anxious.

Will a Dr up the dosage of this same med or try a different one? Which med has worked the best for you? I think I will as this on a different thread too so if you answer on one you don't have to answer on both if you don't want to.

05-01-09, 10:01
A lot would depend on:

what dose you are on
how long you have been on it
if anything else has changed in your life to make you more depressedThe max dose for Escitalopram is frequently quoted as 20mg/day. Other factors might be the time of day you take it, what food you take with or near it, etc.

I found that my blood sugar levels were a bit unstable anyway (could be a cause or effect of some of the anxiety) and since the pills it has been a bit worse. I found it was important to have a snack at bed time so that my levels were not too low in the morning. Low blood sugar usually increases anxiety. You may want to try eating more/better especially around the tablets and/or bedtime.

If you tell us more about your meds or symptoms we may be able to comment more.