View Full Version : Too many worries...

05-01-09, 14:04
Sat down the other night and made a list of the many and varied things I've worried myself sick about over the past year. Won't list everything, takes too long, but it goes from one extreme to another, including the Mayan calendar ending in 2012 to flu pandemic to having inadvertently slandered someone on the net to whether I've got asbestosis as a result of trying on a ww2 gas mask thirty-odd years ago when I was a kid. Did it make me feel any better? Nope. Just made me feel what a paranoid wreck I am. There was a survey on the news today, said 1 in 10 people feel like life's not worth living and God knows I'm one of them...:weep:

05-01-09, 14:11
Please dont feel that way. Life is worth living and you can beat this. I also have some really irrational thoughts from time to time. I have OCD and sometimed they just pop into my head when I am overtired or stressed and I will worry them to death with alot of "what ifs". Yesterday was a not so good day for thoughts. I will lay in my bed and deep breath to make them go away and refocus my mind on something else. It takes hard work but can be done. Please know tha life is worth living and that you are an important part of it. Take care and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.:hugs:

05-01-09, 15:15
Thanks for the response and kind thoughts.

I don't think there's anything anyone can do to be honest. My mind is far too active and it only takes a split second for some negative, frightening thought to take hold, then its' like I've got some cold, corrosive, sickening liquid flowing through my veins instead of blood.

I've got an appointment with the doc on wednesday and I might see if there's a stronger medication I could try, but I'm afraid I've maybe reached a point in life where this is as good as it ever gets. I'm naturally a worrier and when you get past 40, I guess there's more and more to worry about, especially when you're responsible for two small kids. Frankly, if it wasn't for them I might do something stupid, so I guess it's just as well they are around.

05-01-09, 15:34
I don't think there's anything anyone can do to be honest. My mind is far too active and it only takes a split second for some negative, frightening thought to take hold, then its' like I've got some cold, corrosive, sickening liquid flowing through my veins instead of blood.

That's an all too familiar thing!! My mind is working overtime too and it's exhausting and scary. All I can say is you are not alone in feeling like this. It's just so horrible.

08-01-09, 13:09
Well, I had another appointment with the doc yesterday. He's very good and understanding and helpful, but when I showed him the list I'd come up with I think even he couldn't help smiling at one or two of them, particularly the one where I threw the christmas turkey in the bin because I accidentally left a plastic bag inside and I was afraid of toxic chemicals leaching into the meat. Anyway, he's changed my medication from prozac to citalopram, which he feels works better with my degree of anxiety and depression. He also wants me to try CBT. Frankly I'm concerned that my mind is too active and maybe impossible to fool or train. Hypnotherapy had no lasting effect. Still, worth a try I guess. Feels like I'm coming to the end of the line treatment-wise:unsure:

08-01-09, 22:35
mudskipper, im sorry to hear of the time you are having. But never ever feel that you are coming to the end of the line treatment-wise. Keep an open mind, hard as it is when you feel like this and approach the CBT positively, you may benefit from it with the right counsellor helping you along. Also give yourself time to adjust to the change in medication. You will, am sure, in time be able to turn your active mind into a positive rather than the negative that you see it as. An active mind is a resourceful mind, always remember that.

I wish you well
K x