View Full Version : Hello to the No More Panic peeps

05-01-09, 15:12
Hello to All,

What a relief to find a site where I can find stories of people suffering and recovering in ways similar to myself! I realise now that its important not to be isolated when you are unhappy. Not talking about things makes matters much worse in ones mind. I have found in general that people, even strangers are willing to listen and give sympathy, and the best part of this is listening to other people’s stories and life experiences! When you are in a dark place you feel it is only you that suffers and the rest of the world is laughing, having fun and living their dreams.

I do realise deep down that everyone struggles but I am so alone, - isolated from my family and all I knew for years, and I have been depressed for almost all my adult life on top of this. It seems I will never find happiness. So much goes wrong all the time, BIG things - not general bad luck; that I feel like my life will always be unhappy. I feel cursed.

I am lucky to be alive. I tried to commit suicide a few weeks ago. It is a miracle that I am here to read about your lives. I hope to learn from you and not to feel so alone. There must be a reason that I am still here.

I am in my early thirties; I have been suffering from Depression since my teens and have been diagnosed with Social Phobia, which makes me in turn Agoraphobic. I have taken medication for many years, but how can you get mentally well when life deals you so many blows? How can you recover, how can you trust life?

I have recently been dealt another horrendous serious situation, which was the final straw, so I tried to end it all. Now my husband and I are splitting up as I feel since I have been married to him I have had no control over my own life and destiny. He does not understand me or how his choices and actions affect my life. He has little empathy for my sensitivities and mental well being. He does not understand mental illnesses at all.

I have some hope and have things in my life that I do love. I appreciate the wonder and beauty of the earth we live on and try to remember what is good in this world. I hope to gain strength, and writing this helps.

I look forward to meeting you. I wish you health and happiness for 2009 and beyond.

Thank-you for reading.


05-01-09, 16:59
Hey there what a beautiful post!

Welcome along to NMP!

I've been on a downer all day and just to read how you try to remember what is good in the world and appreciate the beauty and wonder that surrounds us has reminded me that I need to remember to do the same today.

Thank you!

Pooh x

05-01-09, 17:40
Hi Tetley and Pooh,

Thank-you so much for the welcome. Its great to meet you.

Yes it is so important (if rather difficult for me at the moment to hold onto) to remember that there is hope, beauty and goodness in the world.

I am so pleased to of found this site today.


05-01-09, 18:08

Welcome to the site, I hope you will not feel so isolated now you have found us. This is a great site with loads of lovely people who understand how you feel and will offer you some great advice and support.

Take care


05-01-09, 18:12
Thank-you Carol *hugs* :)

06-01-09, 00:07
im a lot younger than you by the sounds of things but i respect you a lot, for saying what you have said. i only found this site today, and it is great to be on here and meet new people, and i am glad to have heard your story.
if only it was easy to stay on top of things all the time !! :(
thankyou for helping me to try and look up ..

07-01-09, 09:32
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

07-01-09, 12:29
:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin: