View Full Version : The end of a panic attack

05-01-09, 15:39
You know when you get that horrible familiar feeling of a panic attack and feel like you need to leave that place? What is the worst thing that you visualise happening?I mean whats the worst case scenario that neans you have to leave?

For me its the worry I will faint and people will see that happening to me - just interested in other peoples views :)

05-01-09, 16:41
My fear is pretty much the same. Also that I will become incapacitated and not be able to get home. Probably worst of all would be an ambulance job as I could not stand to be taken out my safe zone for any period of time.

All the best


05-01-09, 17:00
Once I collapsed off a bus with a horrific panic attack and when I go to work (which is stressful) I always imagine myself collapsing again, not a good habit I know. Sometimes I avoid things just because I'm scared of making a fool of myself and having a panic attack, though I am learning to combat this!

I avoided buses for a week after that, who could blame me?

05-01-09, 21:18
You know when you get that horrible familiar feeling of a panic attack and feel like you need to leave that place? What is the worst thing that you visualise happening?I mean whats the worst case scenario that neans you have to leave?

For me its the worry I will faint and people will see that happening to me - just interested in other peoples views :)

Hi, Missa :)

I pretty much feel the same way about collapsing in public but I think even more than that is just having to deal with the horrible feelings of panic! That out of uncontrol rush of adrenaline and the dizziness, the not being able to walk a few steps without having to stop and breathe, the worry of just freaking out and not being able to control it.

Take care!


06-01-09, 09:32
For me its the panic breathing and feeling hot and trapped - I worry what other people around me will think of me being like this>Wenjoy x

Eva May
06-01-09, 11:59
Hi, Missa :)

I pretty much feel the same way about collapsing in public but I think even more than that is just having to deal with the horrible feelings of panic! That out of uncontrol rush of adrenaline and the dizziness, the not being able to walk a few steps without having to stop and breathe, the worry of just freaking out and not being able to control it.

Take care!


I'm the same. It's the feeling of panic that I dread

06-01-09, 20:58
My main fear is passing out, although i never have. Also that people might think i'm going mad.


06-01-09, 21:39
wow! I'm not sure, fear of having a panic attack, fear of hyperventilating, when i feel too hot i worry i have a fever! fear of people seeing me freak out,