View Full Version : Hi chris here, Hello all NORMAL people

05-01-09, 16:38
Hi, HAPPY NEW YEAR all, what a wondeful site this is for all us NORMAL people and I use that word because folks, that is what we all are, NORMAL, I have learnt through the years of 'bad nerves' and all that brings to the table, that, as they say, WE ARE NOT ALONE, In fact when I first had the panic attacks the anxiety the fear etc etc, you all know what I mean, I was alone, BUT as time and my confidence to share my fears anxiety etc etc with others has grwon I am constantly amazed at just how normal I am, The amount of people that when I tell them this or that look at me with knowing and not suprise is very comforting in a strange way, after all I thought once I was alone and nobody would or could understand. Then a site like this , and again more and more people brave enough to share their thoughts with all of us and there is a lot of us, in fact I would take a bet that if people felt they could be honest with themselves and with others, we are the majority. Doesnt always make you feel better, after all because we both have colds doesnt make my sneezing less, but it does help to share the feelings. I am not alone is a nice feeling, shame for the others of course, but they can also gain strength from that not alone feeling. As for the feelings, well I think I have had most of them, palpitations, sweating, dry mouth, complete fear of almost anything at different times, nervous for no reason, heart lung major illness fear, death fear, responsibility for every thing and every one, and the most recent hearing my heart beat in my head, all checked and talked through with my understanding Doctor and my glorious wife who has stood by through the years with her support and wise words, so I have it, what ever it is, I have had it for twenty some odd years, the times in between get longer then Whack, you know what I mean, but a little less even when it trys to trick me with a new 'symptom'. I just wanted to say Thanks for the site, but more than that Thank you to all the wonderful normal people that share thoughts fears feelings etc etc with us all, it helps and I only hope that I can in the same way help someone else, if some one reads this and goes " you Know, I know those feelings and this guy is still here 20 years on, I must be OK as well" wow what a great thing I would have done.
So Hi all, I will lean on you all from time to time and I hope I can offer a place to lean to others. Take care all of you, we are the Normals!!.

05-01-09, 17:04
Hey there welcome along from someone who considers herself normal too. eccentric a little perhaps but very normal.

Pooh x

05-01-09, 17:47

Welcome, I think with your views and learning of anxiety you will be a great asset and I think you will get some good advice and support back in return.

Take care


07-01-09, 09:34
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

07-01-09, 09:41
:yesyes: hi chris:welcome: thankyou for your lovely post - very wise words, and i hope also they give comfort to others - i, like you feel the same, so you dont need to convince me!:winks: take care, emma

07-01-09, 12:10
Hi Chris and :welcome: to NMP

pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is a lot of information, advice and support. Chat is a great place to make new freinds.

